Trial 6

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It became your new routine whenever he was the killer in trial. You screwed up on generators and directed those that came to you for advice to areas that they would most likely get caught in. You learned more and more of his behavior, of how he hunted and where he frequented on certain trial grounds and used that to your advantage.

You told the others he was too erratic to get a pin on. Even implied he had some gift by the entity to make you more nervous during trials when he was close. They seemed to believe you when Claudette admitted she had felt an odd pressure whenever the heartbeat started.

It diverted suspicion off you for the most part and you were glad. If they were suspicious of your motives they would avoid you during his trials and that would make it harder to get him his kills.

You thought of finding him in the forest and offering yourself up as a teammate, making a pact with him. But- you knew he was too prideful of his kills to share the work with anyone else. Part of you wanted to go just to see more of him. To see if he had a camp of his own. Or even just to see him.

You wanted to see him-

You collapsed by the fire with a long sigh, staring into the flickering flames.
"You okay?"

Your eyes darted up to see Dwight sitting a few feet to your right. He really did seem concerned.

"Just frustrated is all." Sighing again you tried to ignore some glances from other survivors. The ones that didn't fully trust your intentions with The Trickster. They had every right to be, because it was true. You were deceiving them during these trials with him- you were doing all you could to hand them over to him but... you didn't feel guilty at all.

"You said he was quite erratic?"

Nodding you played with some dirt on your jeans. "Yeah. Definitely egotistical. I thought he would be an easy read. That I could understand his patterns but he changes them up quite often. He's smarter than I gave him credit for. Which, that's on me for underestimating an international star that managed to kidnap, torture, kill, and use the sounds of all of that in his own music and still not get caught." Truth be told that had you admiring his skill more than anything. How did he manage all that? With not even Yun-Jin being suspicious as his producer?

Thinking about it you had to do your best from letting any hint of excitement slip into your features or tone.

God- you really wanted to see him.

It seems your prayers were answered... somewhat. You were thrown into a trial, with him, but also with Yun-jin, Jake, and Dwight. In your opinion this was a bad line-up against the Trickster. Jake had always managed to avoid your attempts at getting him captured and Yun-Jin knew Ji-woon enough not to ask you for advice or follow your lead when it came to him. She always went off on her own. And Dwight... he trusted Jake more than you. Not that you could blame him, the two of them were very close. Jake didn't trust many anyways.

This trial was taking far too long. They were all too skittish about the killer, running off the moment the heart beat started before you could even sabatoge the generator. So you had to wait until he was gone before undoing the progress.

That had all it had been so far. None of you got caught. Yet only one generator had been completed. The heartbeat would approach and they would run off and hide.

You were getting much more frustrated than that giggling bloody killer running around. So much time had passed and he didn't even seem frustrated when he would run past you?

The moment your eyes landed on Dwight hiding from the heartbeat you had an idea. An awful, stomach-churning idea. Grabbing a two by four nearby you snuck up to him while he hadn't noticed you. But- as soon as you swung your eyes connected for a brief moment.

Smack. Thud.

Dwight went down hard. As did the two by four. The full weight of your actions dawned on you as you rushed to pick up Dwight and heal him. What did you do? How could you do this to Dwight? To any of them? For a KILLER.

Panic rose in your throat as you noticed the heartbeat had been quite loud for some time. Eyes darted around and then you saw him, standing a few feet away, looking quite perplexed. You were too by your actions.

"Why-?" He didn't sound very happy.

Cheeks flushing full of shame and embarrassment you glanced down at your friend in your arms. How insignificant you panic a moment ago seemed now compared to your need to please this man who could kill you without hesitation. "T-to help you..."

"You're helping me? Why the fuck would you do that?" Piercing yellow eyes stared down at your figure but you weren't scared at all. This man hovering above you no longer scared you.

"Because-" You let your friend slip out of your arms, unconscious, "I like watching you kill." Your tongue darted out to lick up some of the liquid dripping from your nose; which wasn't as tasteful as what he was covered in. Who knew anyone could look so good in blood?

He tilted his head to the side, swinging his spiked bat around in his hand. "Finally-" His lips were pulled into a wide sadistic grin that had you shivering, "-someone to admire my work! It's beautiful isn't it? The sounds they make?" His excited giggle you could only describe as cute and giddy, causing your heart to pound even harder. "But I don't need any help killing little fan, it's more fun to do it myself." He reached out and grabbed the body before you, slinging it over his broad shoulder with ease. "Come watch, I'll give you the best show you have ever seen."

He turned on his heels and headed off towards the nearest hook. You almost ran to catch up, eager to see what he would do now that he knew he had an audience.

You weren't disappointed. He didn't even hook his victim. No, he woke him up and let him crawl away a few feet before he began his fun. He flung the glass-like throwing knives at the bleeding body with utmost precision and with seemingly no effort at all.

He ended his little show by tossing a signed photocard of himself onto the body and then sending a throwing knife right through the photo and landing the final blow. It was the first time you had seen him kill another without sacrificing them.
It was the first time you had been so inexplicably excited by such a gruesome act.

He turned on his heel and swung his arms wide. "Did you enjoy the show my little fan?" His excitement was clear on his wild features as he locked eyes with you crouched in the bushes. You stood up biting your lip and nodding.

"Again." You were a bit breathless as you took a step closer. "I want to see it again. Kill me this time." You placed a hand onto your chest, staring up at him with unwavering adoration. "There would be no greater pleasure than to die by your hands."

He looked visibly taken aback, staring at you for a long moment. His eyes flickered around at nothing in particular before he chuckled. "If I kill you- you'll go back to the campfire and your friend will know what you did."

Now it was your turn to be taken aback. Was he showing concern for you? No way. "I think they suspected anyways. It's fine. They can't harm me. I perform just like them during other trials. Just not-" Not when he was the killer.

"Mmm, I see." He stepped closer and used one of the knives to lift your chin. "I'll kill you, every time then. I'll save you for last. But you mustn't harm my prey any more little one. Just delay."

You nodded your head quickly resulting in the sharp edge cutting into the edge of your throat. "Anything to watch you kill."


The Entity never expected such emotions to form during their trials. A survivor who's hope was to watch a killer sacrifice? Who helped? Their excitement was stronger than the hope from the survivor that had just been killed.

It saw an opportunity to feed and it would not miss this opportunity. It allowed the other survivors to forget the betrayal, just so it could see how things would progress.

Who knows- perhaps it might even help the little bond they had growing.

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