Trial 13

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warning: nsfw at the end (: 

You woke up back at camp, in your own tent of all places, feeling quite disorientated from the trial; which was normal but it felt a little too much this time. As usual it took a moment for your memory to catch up, and as soon as you could remember what Jiwoon had been doing to you just before you passed out- your cheeks went bright red. Out of all the times the two of you had been intimate he had never, not once, even implied he would use his mouth... it had always been his hands so he could taunt you and watch your expressions.

The memory of his face between your legs, albeit briefly, wasn't the only memory that came rushing forward. With a gasp you sat up quickly, covering your mouth as you realized once again, Chris knew. Cursing under your breath you checked your clothes before rushing out of the tent with a need to find Chris. There was a tingle down your back that told you that was a bad idea, that you should immediately go seek out Jiwoon since he had already been jealous before- but if you didn't confirm with Chris what he saw before it was brought up to someone else... goodbye the only sense of peace you had here in camp.

Luckily you didn't have to look far for Chris as he was already making his way towards you. By the looks of things, he also wanted to confirm with you before he said anything to someone else. For a split moment you regretted doubting him, knowing he was a pretty honorable guy... that was also precisely why he was going to find the truth so damn wrong. And he would be right, it was wrong. Who willingly sought sexual satisfaction from someone who openly enjoyed killing, and had killed them?

You, as fucked up as that sounded.

"Can we talk?" You squeaked out as the larger man stopped before you, nodding and motioning to your tent. You shook your head. "Not there, just inside the trees, we can still be in sight but it'll make it harder to be overheard."

He looked confused but obliged, heading past your tent and taking about 10 or so steps passed the shadow line into the trees. You followed closely behind, giving the camp one last nervous look over your shoulder; yet you knew the real trouble was what lay in the trees.

When he turned to face you all your fears came true as a glass throwing knife whizzed past Chris's head and shattered into the tree next to you. You gasped out, quickly turning to the approaching Killer who once again looked pissed off. Panic welled up in your throat and you quickly moved between the two of them, hoping no one was paying attention in camp. "Wait! Please! It's not what you think-"

But Jiwoon wasn't looking at you, instead staring at Chris with a cold murderous glare you mentally berated yourself for finding it hot. "I warned him-"

"I know! I just wanted to make sure he stays silent." You weakly protested, hands on Jiwoon's chest as if you could actually hold him back. "Please just give us a moment?"

He said something in Korean before glaring at Chris with deadly intent and repeated his words in English. "Not a chance in hell I'm leaving you alone with him if you want him to live." The words were rough, full of emotion and threats. Still, you relaxed as that was much more than you thought you would get out of him.

"I don't think there is anything more to discuss... This tells me plenty already." You froze up at Chris's words, but looking over your shoulder at the man you saw none of the reactions you expected: fear, disgust, discontent- none of it. Instead there was just understanding, even a bit of pity in his eyes. Surprisingly, the pity irked you more than if he had been sneering at you in disgust. "I have to admit though, [name], I never expected you of all the survivors to end up in such a relationship with a killer... and out of all the killers, he was the last one I expected to give a damn about any of us. Yet, considering this entire realm, I can't really judge how you pass your time or what motivations you use to stay sane here."

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 13, 2022 ⏰

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