Trial 9

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Sometime had passed since the incident of Ji-woon walking in on you in the tent, pleasuring yourself to the thought of him. Shame had finally taken hold of you and you could no longer look him in the eye or dare to venture out to his camp. Truth be told you couldn't remember how to get there having been so awstruck the first time, both going and coming back. And it wasn't as if you had run into him in a trial since then either.

Yet the longer time passed the more frustrated and shameful you felt. Even though you did not have a trial with him or seek out his camp neither did he come to see you. This both relieved you and aggravated you, and you weren't sure which feeling was the more disconcerting of the two.

As for the other survivors they kept their distance but no more than they usually did. Which you were fine with, you didn't think you could hide your shame from them in a conversation, especially if he was the topic. So trials continued on as they normally do, in fact you found yourself trying harder to make up for the damages you had done during the Trickster's trials. It was a poor excuse to ease your guilt.

Just as before, your feelings for the killer were not disappearing at all. But unlike last time you expected this; after all you knew that if he had ever kissed you there was no going back and being a normal survivor anymore. You just had to accept that this was who you are now and try to cover the damages where you could.

Accepting that fact was a lot harder than you anticipated. All it took was remembering your time with him in your tent to turn a deep shade of red. It was a clear reminder of just how deep you had fallen and how little dignity you had when it came to pleasing this man. You were still fighting the urge to hide it and stay away from him so you could feel some type of normalcy; you were well aware the moment he gave you even an ounce of affection all of that would change and you would simply become... his bitch.

You counted the days, growing more frustrated with each trial that was not his. Even though you were still trying to fight what you had become, not being able to see him kill seemed to be driving you even more insane than the shame and the guilt had been at first.

Finally you swore the moment that you saw him you would scream out your frustrations and demand he'd do something about it.

Except for that moment finally came in the middle of a trial of all things. All of that was gone, instead of screaming out as you had originally intended, your face turned a deep shade of scarlet and you stood frozen as his eyes locked on your frame. You were just far too ecstatic at the way his lips turned up at the sight of you.

You knew he didn't feel the same thing you felt; that he simply enjoyed toying with you, teasing you, and torturing you as if he had done with any of his other victims. The only difference was that the torture was different this time... it was different with you.

As he turned from you and began to walk away you could only stare in shock as the sound of the receiving heartbeat slowly faded. He had really left you standing there to go find one of the other three survivors to sacrifice first. Even though that was the name of the game and he had promised to save you for last each time, it had been so long since you had seen him and after such a departure previously you didn't want to wait another moment.

You had wanted him to kill you right then and there.

How little that one thought shook your mind was just proof of how unstable it had become; it seemed you had stayed in this place for far too long. The entity's claws must have been pretty deep into your soul at this point, for so little of your humanity to remain.

The rational side of your brain reasoned that if you begged for it now, that if you died first this time, one of the others might see that; after all this was one of the smaller trial zones it could very likely happen. So you had to wait, you could do that right?

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