Trial 5

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Slinking back into your tent you let out a long depressed sigh. It felt as if you had been talking to Yun-Jin for hours. She had been hoping you had some insight to help stop The Trickster and while you had a few ideas on how to slow him down you didn't tell her. "I'll have to see him in action a few times more but this really did help Yun-Jin!"

No, it hadn't helped at all. You were still obsessed. And probably even more infatuated than you had been.
You were quite tempted to crawl out of your tent and head into the forest to confront the man. At this point you were willing to do anything to get rid of your infatuation for him. Just- you wanted to hate him. He showed no obvious remorse for what he does and was nothing more than an egotistical pyschopath. And yet all you could think about was how exciting it had been to watch him chase Meg down and cause physical harm while laughing like a school girl! Not to mention how turned on you were just at the sight of him with blood splatters all over him.

You had to be just as sick as he was. That's what you thought as you sat there in your tent staring at your lap. As you felt that familiar hum you didn't want to get your hopes up that he would be the killer this time. You cleared our head as you were transported elsewhere.

You found yourself in the back yard of a house, standing right next to the picket white fence and tall hedges. You were quite familiar with this location as it had been one of the first locations. A cluster of houses and a small park as well as the street littered with cars that made it easy to hide around and also lose a killer. If you remembered correctly one of the houses had actually belonged to one of the killer's- Meyers.

While generator's were usually randomized, there tended to be one in the second story of that specific house. You decided to make your way towards it, creeping along the side of the house you were currently at. The rapid heartbeat in your ear had you pausing at the edge of the house and looking around. Which one was it? And where was it?

Your heart nearly leapt out of your chest when you heard that damn laugh you had been obsessing over. And then your eyes were drawn naturally to the flickering yellow trench coat just in time to see him slash at Cheryl. Frowning you debated on running up to help her but paused. No- even sweet Cheryl wasn't exempt from your need to watch him kill someone. Anyone.

You kept through the street using the cars to stay covered while your (e/c) eyes kept peering over to watch. The knives he threw flew over the cars and easily hit their target; Cheryl went down right on the other side of the car you were hiding behind and you didn't dare move. You watched through the broken windows as the Trickster made his way over to her collapsed body and threw her over his shoulder. He looked around, those yellow orbs of his shining with excitement. Cheryl was struggling in his arms, calling out for help and begging for him to drop her. He licked his lips with clear excitement as he carried her off to a meat hook.

"N-no! Ah!" Cheryl cried out in pain and you felt a twinge of guilt- and truthfully jealousy as well.

'That should be me.' The thought caught you off guard but not as much as the panic that filled you when you saw a generator in the distance get repaired; the lights flickered on and all you could think was 'not yet. He didn't do enough harm yet!'

He ran off in the direction of the completed generator but you didn't follow. No, you knew which one they would be going for next. It had been Claudette and David; they were smart, they could manage to escape. And you couldn't have that.

You helped Cheryl down and patched her up, pointing her in the direction of the Meyer's house. "Check up there for a gen. I'll go check on Claudette."

Cheryl nodded and ran off as you instructed without a second thought. These people trusted you when you had a plan, your strategies usually working for the other killers after all. Unfortunately for them your strategy was to slow them down. You had to give the Trickster more time to torture and maim. Thus you sent Cheryl to a gen that was dangerously close to the basement. Always avoid the basement.

Next you ran off for the generator in the park. There were plenty of obstacles here to dodge and weave a killer and you could also see them coming for some time. You noticed Claudette was already working on it. No doubt David was going to distract the killer for now.

So you just had to slow down Claudette. You knelt down on the opposite side of the generator from her and tugged at some wires. You slowly undid some of the progress there was already and then waited patiently for that heartbeat. As soon as you heard it closing in you purposely place two wires together to cause the generator to sputter and make loud noises. "Run." You hissed, jumping for cover just in time.

He came into view just as Claudette had ran out from behind the generator. With great satisfaction you watched knives dig into her body, the sound of his laughter filling your ears. It felt like a drug the way it burned your nerves in such a pleasant way. Your body was was humming with excitement to see what happened next.

So you followed.

And did so again and again the whole trial; you sought out generators the others were working on and fucked it up just when he was near. You took advantage of the fact he was egotistical- he was too full of himself to look for you. His eyes always on the prize. And you made sure it was never you he saw first but them.

Each of them had been hooked twice. You had allowed yourself to get hooked once to draw in David to get him captured when it was just the two of you. Now it was just you. You ran for David as if to help him but watched him die.

The taste of guilt filled your mouth knowing you had done that. It was a moment of hesitation that had cost you a head start... because now you were in his arms. You squirmed as your guilt was wiped away and replaced with sexual frustration. You wiggled not to escape but to get his hand onto your ass.

This he did notice. "Oh? Did you want me to touch you that badly?" His hand clamped down on the fabric of your jeans followed by a deep chuckle. The feeling was quickly replaced by the hook breaking your flesh once again. You cried out, reaching up and gripping onto it as you glared down at him. Not angry about the pain but that he had cut the interaction so short. "Tsk tsk, I wouldn't mind touching you more at all." Swinging the bat onto his shoulder he stepped closer and ran his hand up your side, causing you to shiver.

Something in his eyes flickered and you could only bite your lip. You realized it was recognition. "You are the little one from the tent. I should've recognized such a cutie sooner." Humming he took a step back just to ogle you up. Your cheeks flushed bright red and suddenly it was hard to breath normally. "That's a cute reaction-" He chuckled again, reaching up and cupping your chin between two fingers. "No terror or fear? But just as exciting."

"Is it really?" You had instinctively leaned into his touch, (e/c) eyes locked onto his. The grin he gave in response had your heart skipping a beat.

"Give me a scream next time why don't you?" He winked before stepping back. Your gaze was still glued to him that you didn't notice the entity was there ready to strike- not until you were impaled and lifted up as sacrifice.

You woke up back at camp in your tent flustered beyond belief.

With the image of him still fresh in your mind like a high you stripped; that would be the first time you pleasured yourself to the thought of him, biting your pillow to keep from screaming as he had asked you to do.

Afterwards you laid there flustered and a mess, accepting the fact that you really must be sick in the head.

Starstruck by Blood [DBD the Trickster x reader]Where stories live. Discover now