Trial 3

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>there have been a lot of questions or should I say confusion, around Ash. So, a bit of backstory is that Ash is from the Evil Dead and the show Ash VS Evil Dead. He fought against demons and creatures and more and he was known to sleep around lol. So no he doesn't have any experience with the killers here but he has plenty in his show lol]

You were staring out into the foggy forest for quite some time now, the killer Ji-woon long gone; but you could still feel the warmth from his hand on top of your head. As well as his parting words.

"Mm, thanks little one, I like you."

It was no where near a confession or anything like that- and usually a Killer liking someone was a bad thing- so why was your face so warm and your heart still racing?

Bringing your hands to your flaming cheeks you crawled back into your tent and closed up the back entrance. Although a part of you wanted to keep it open in hopes he would visit you again.

Slapping your cheeks you laid down, banishing all thoughts of the killer from your mind as best you could. Unfortunately that was better said than done. You laid there for some time before you grew frustrated with yourself and stormed out of the tent to the fire. There were a few there but your eyes rested on Ash. He was basically a veteran at all this. A lone wolf that seemed to cope by finding humor in it all.

He looked up in both amusement and shock when you sat on the other end of the log he was blindly carving into. "Little Mouse, what's up?"

You had heard his backstory, about his daughter and how he had to kill his friends the first time he opened the necronomicon. When he did act as part of the group he had all kinds of stories to tell. They usually made these trials seem bearable compared to some of the evils he had to face. 

Because at least death here wasn't permanent.

He was like the awkward dad of the group, watching over us but from a distance. You knew he just couldn't bare to get attached after all he had lost. And you couldn't blame him. So many of the people here had decided to keep to themselves just because they couldn't bare to get attached and watch each other get hurt and killed. That came with the fear that one of those deaths may be the final. But at the same time it was hard not to get attached. You all needed something to keep you grounded to your sanity and there was only each other.

Something you were looking for in this moment. Sanity.

"I was wondering, in all of your experiences or travels, was there ever an instance you had a thing for an enemy?" If your question didn't give away your intentions the flush of your temples sure did.

But Ash didn't seem to judge at all. "Ah yes, in fact I did. They tried to kill me eventually though." He pointed out, turning back to his carving and working at it idly. "It was fun while it lasted, great sex, but like I said- then she went all monster and tried to kill me. Not cool."

You nodded, leaning in a bit as you hung onto his every word. "I'd like to hear the details."

His eyes lit up as they usually did when he would tell a fun story. And it was quite fun. He explained their first meeting in quite a lot of detail, even the sex. You found yourself laughing a lot at the story, feeling a little better at your attraction for the killer.

He was finishing up the story when you heard the soft hum just before the feeling overwhelmed you. Another trial. 

Sighing you gave the man a wave before getting up and heading to your tent. You could only take one item so you grabbed a flashlight and awaited the tendrils to overtake you.

You came to inside a rundown school and shivered. This was by far one of your least liked trial grounds. The eerie feeling of the school with blood and ash everywhere as well as chains- only the desks and lockers gave away that it had been a school at one point. Shivering you listened for the sound of a generator as you made your way through the degrading hallway.

One perk about this place was how big it was. A large square of a building with just a maze of shrubbery in a courtyard in the center of it all. 2 whole floors as well. Plenty of room to move around aside from the fact most of it were narrow hallways or dead end classrooms.

You found a generator in one of the classrooms on the second floor. You  hadn't realized how zoned out you were on the generator until you heard the heartbeat dangerously close. Panicking you hid in the lockers next to it, hoping for whatever reason that the killer wouldn't check the lockers.

Your heart nearly lept when you heard that familiar chuckle, your eyes peering out the slits of the locker to see him enter the room. Your cheeks went red as you remembered his head pat back at camp.  That little distraction was enough to have your mind wander, the slamming of the locker doors quickly bringing you back.

You locked eyes with him, the red light from the room surrounding him like a deathly aura as he grinned maniacally. "Found you." You had no time to react as he threw you over his shoulder and began to carry you. You struggled but only for a moment- the feeling of his hand on the small of your back causing you to freeze up.

Whimpering you fully realized what position you were in; face so close to his bare abdomen and your hands could very well touch his thighs or even higher- you began to squirm but not out of fear. This man was about to hook you and yet you were thinking about touching his dick.

What was wrong with you? Were you this dissensitized to all of this? The pain and murder? The trials? 

The pain as you were shoved onto the hook was as real as ever, dangling there as blood seeped out of the wound. And he looked absolutely delighted to see you like this. In pain and bleeding out.

"Not as good as killing you but- this is a torture I never thought of trying before. If I had the time I'd play with you some more." He licked his lips, crazed eyes looking you up and down.

Even with a giant hook in your shoulder you were hot in your core by the look of pleasure on his face. There was something otherworldly beautiful about him in this moment just watching you squirm. The pain of the wound seemed to dull the more your focused on him.

He ran off after his next victim once the entity appeared. You struggled as best you could to to prevent the undeniable death that was coming but froze up when you heard the scream of another survivor followed by his laugh.

In an instant you were pierced through the abdomen by the hook like limbs of the mysterious being, your dying breath escaping as you choked on your own blood. Death was a cold feeling, quite numb.

For the first time in awhile you hoped you would awaken by the campfire and be able to go through these trials again. You had to accept the fact you were enamored with the killer to the point nothing else seemed to matter.

Was this an obsession? An unnatural fixation that was bound to be your downfall?

Perhaps- but the thought wasn't as unnerving as it should be. It was less unnerving than the thought of being unable to see him like that again: completely overjoyed as he tortured another person.

If you got distracted again and he caught you first like this time you wouldn't have the chance to see him kill others. That was another unpleasant thought.

He looked magnificent as he hurt others. It was like an artist becoming an art. Painting himself with blood and sadistic joy in a way that got your insides quivering. He was a sadist to the extremes and you seemed to be quite the masochist. Maybe even a bit sadistic yourself if you wanted to see him torture others.

It was the first time you were pleased to wake up to the sound of the cackling fire.

"Mouse? You are back rather fast... did you die first?" Ash looked over from his log, still carving away at some random shape. 

Sitting up you nodded, bringing a hand to your head as it pounded like it usually did after death. "I wasn't on the top of my game. Trust me, it won't happen again."

You needed to survive at all costs just to be able to see him like that again. And you would. You swore it.

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