Trial 7

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You awoke back at the camp, sitting up quickly as you grabbed at your throat. You could still remember the feeling of the glass knife cutting into your throat. He had to hook you and use you as bait to catch Jake. Yun-Jin used the hatch when you were hooked the second time and Jake was already dead.

He had watched you just hang there, blood pouring out of the hole in your shoulder. He had been excitedly explaining the thrill he got when he watched one die. He asked you to describe the pain to him, the rush.

You had to hide the smile that wanted to spread across your face. Excitement and desire was still pumping through your veins like a drug.

"I'm sorry Mouse, I know you got captured trying to help me." Dwight's sudden voice had you jumping and you quickly looked up at him.

You shook your head. "I didn't expect him to mori you- it was my first time seeing it and I was taken aback." You tried to give him a reassuring smile but your heart was racing. Did he know what you did? Guilt slowly crept up your spine, he was your friend how could you-

"I knocked down one of the  wooden planks on accident and it knocked me out. I woke up to him attacking me. I guess we all make mistakes. The trial had been going on for quite some time and I guess I just got too nervous-" His chuckle showed he still was.

The fact he didn't remember that you had been the one to knock him out eased some of the guilt. Still, enough remained to make you feel sick. "It's okay Dwight. That trial took a lot out of me so I'm going to go rest. You should too." Still rubbing your neck you made your way to your tent and crawled in before collapsing onto your bedroll with a heavy sigh. God you felt awful. You already hated yourself for this obsession you had but now you were hurting your friends for it! How far you had fallen, and just to watch a man get off on killing them; and you.

Rolling over you stared up at the roof of your tent. You knew not all of the killers were bad, some had been twisted beyond belief just for the Entity's own purpose. But he- he had so little humanity and didn't need the Entity to twist his soul. He was twisted enough. 

So why did it have to be him?! You would rather drool over any of the others. Not the nightmare. Fuck that man. Remembering that killer had you shivering and sitting up. Okay, so Ji-woon wasn't the worst killer out there-

"Could be worse-" 

You reached forward for your lantern when you froze up, noticing something out of the corner of your eye that had your heart beating twice as fast instantly. You glanced towards the back of the tent thinking you were just hallucinating from the recent trial.

No- There was most definitely a pair of yellow eyes staring at you through the holes you had made just to search for the person those eyes belonged to. 

Swallowing a lump you tried to remain cool. "Isn't that over the line?"

Your words were met with a deep yet excited chuckle. "Come check and see." He purred out the invitation causing your breath to catch. You tried not to appear eager as you moved towards the exit, pulling it aside and gasping at how close he was. Your noses were almost touching even.

"H-how?" You squeaked out, then let out a little cry as he grabbed your wrist and pulled you out. You collided with his chest, which surprisingly had no blood on it. Didn't he usually have it splattered all over? That didn't seem to matter as you noted how warm and toned he was. Tilting your head back he was grinning down at you.

"You look good down there." Laughing softly he pulled away and pulled you up. Your eyes darted around hoping no one saw you but you were too far from the fire and other tents. With flaming red cheeks he dragged you off into the forest, the last thing you noticed was how the line from before was now on the otherside of your tent.

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