Trial 12

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You didn't have time to sort through your thoughts before being thrown into a trial; and not just with any killer either but with Jiwoon. Within moments of arriving on the trial grounds you witnessed him chasing one of the three others: Chris.

Which, you found odd since he ignored you and Jake who were on the generator within his sight and had just continued chasing Chris. He had even looked in your direction. You knew enough about Jiwoon and his killing habits to know he wouldn't blatantly ignore prey, especially easy prey, and continue chasing someone skilled like Chris. Your blood ran cold at the idea that he was specifically targeting Chris because of you; but he wasn't the jealous type.

No, but he was possessive, even over his toys.

"Shit-" finishing the generator you stepped away and shared a glance with Jake. "Let's hope he can outrun him long enough." If Jiwoon was targeting Chris that let you, Jake, and whomever the fourth survivor was to work on gens.

Jake just nodded, both of you rushing off in the opposite direction from Jiwoon. This wasn't your normal behavior when he was the killer, but you had been working on being less suspicious during his trials. Your hard work had apparently pulled off since even skeptical Jake was going along with your plans, something you were grateful for.

Right now you wanted to treat this like any other trial, especially since something was off. Afterwards you can find out just what had Jiwoon acting like this. Was he really acting possessive and taking it out on Chris? When had he seen you and Chris together? What had you done with the man to make Jiwoon act in such a way?

Stopping by another generator just as you heard Chris go down had your blood run cold. Why were you so sure that this was because of you? Were you so arrogant to believe you knew everything about Jiwoon's behavior? Or that you could affect him enough to have him act differently?

"Stupid stupid [name]." Of course you didn't know him that well, you were his toy, why would he really care when you hadn't done anything? Why would he watch you? Or bother keeping an eye on you?

You slapped your cheeks and took a deep breath, staring down at the generator. "Now isn't the time to ask questions, first I need to finish this trial." You were at least confident that he would kill you last, whether it was to torment you or simply because of the deal the two of you had. Even in normal trials you didn't save the others often, especially if you knew others were close, but right now none of that was your priority: just fix the gens.

By the time you were finished with this gen someone else went down: Jake. Cursing under your breath you couldn't just leave this be since Chris was still on the hook. Jake must have gone to help him only to get ambushed. "Fuck fuck fuck..." With this gen finished you rushed off in the direction of Chris, your only thought was finishing this trial and it was always better to get the person who had been hanging on the longest down first. If you were lucky, the fourth survivor would either distract the Trickster or get Jake down for you.

Of course there was nothing lucky about this situation. By the time you got to Chris he was already fighting off the Entity, and appeared to be losing. The only luck you had is that you managed to get him down, but neither of you had a chance to run or get very far before Jiwoon was upon you, his throwing knives lodging into your skin.

Chris, the hero that he was, pushed you out of the way and took the majority of the blades into his back, only to fall to the ground from too much damage. You had stumbled forward several steps, only to look back and witness, for the second time now, Jiwoon mori someone else. Guilt welled up inside you, mixing with the excitement you still felt watching the man kill.

The excitement was quelled when Jiwoon did something different, something that filled you with dread and had your blood running ice cold. Unlike his last mori he approached Chris's bleeding body, kneeling down over his chest and slapping the photo of himself onto his chest. He leaned closer to his ears, his eyes on your frame as he spoke in clear English: "They are mine."

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