Trial 11

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"What?" You stared up at him, in shock of what he had just said.

He lifted his fingers to his lips and licked them clean while keeping his eyes on you. "You heard me. Walk back to your tent." He leaned back then, giving your thigh an encouraging pat to get up and move. “Go on.” He practically purred but you just stared in astonishment.

After a moment of locked eye contact you realized he really was serious, so you turned to start looking for your clothes. When you reached for your shirt he grabbed it first. You turned to ask for it but he shook his head. “No, your clothes stay here.”

Your jaw fell open, color draining from your face. “Y-You want me to walk back to my tent stark NUDE?!” You winced at the shrill in your voice but you just couldn’t believe it.

No, that was a lie- you actually could believe it. He was a killer, and one who enjoyed tormenting his victims. You were still a victim of his, just one he enjoyed tormenting in another way. This way. Swallowing hard as he nodded, you stood up on shaky legs and headed for the door.

“Wait-” He called out just as you grabbed the tent flap. “I’ll let you wear one thing.” As he spoke he stood up and went over to his wardrobe. You watched him out of the corner of your eyes as he grabbed one of the jackets off the rack and held it out to you. “This.”

Once again your jaw hit the floor. Not only was he kicking you out, but he wanted you to walk back in nothing but his bright neon jacket. If no-one had been able to guess what you were doing before they definitely would now, and who with, if they caught you. You gathered your composure and the bit of courage you had as you lifted your head a bit taller. “No, let me have my clothes.”

The only reaction he had was raising his brow questioningly and repeating that one word slowly. “No?”

“That’s what I said. If they find out-”

“But you aren’t going to let them see you, are you, little mouse?” He interrupted you, extending the jacket out again.

You couldn't risk them finding out, you knew how the others would react if they knew you were fucking around with a killer- you knew Yunjin may even want your head for it. The teamwork the survivors had already was shaky, and you had gotten by this long already so you didn't want to jeopardize that. "I'm not risking it."

He sighed with disappointment, shaking his head. "Are you that ashamed? It hurts my feelings little mouse, that you are more scared of them finding out than disappointing me. And here I thought-" He trailed off, sighing once again.

You knew what he was playing at, and you were upset that it was working. He wanted you to be an obedient little pet and if you weren't then he had no use for you. The bit of pride you had left hurt as you weighed your options. Risk the survivors getting mad at you, or risk jeopardizing this game you had with this man?

With a glower you snatched the jacket out of his hand and slipped it on. You couldn't meet his eyes as you felt shame boil in your gut; how could you become this for him?! A killer? And the worst kind?! He enjoyed it, took pleasure in it, it was nothing but a game-

But he was far too magnificent for you to turn away. You were hooked, that's why you stood before him in nothing but his jacket.

It was the pleased hum he gave thar had you looking up at him, cheeks heating up at the proud smirk her wore just looking you over. Your diminished pride was renewed instantly with a new purpose, and as frightening it was to have a killer proud of you- you were starting to accept this was just how you were.


"My clothes suit you- it screams who you belong to." He gripped your chin in the palm of his hand, pulling you close with a familiar glint in his eye. "Don't forget that either my mouse." Harshly he let you go, dismissing you with a wave of your hand.

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