ch.7 under the Christams tree-part 2-

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Athor note:here is the new Ch. ;) happy new year everyone <3

Ginny went and sit with Heermione,Harry and Ron but she was looking at Harry at all."Harry will stay at our house Gin,like last year" Ron said and Ginny stand up fast "he what?no! i dont want to" she said loudly and Harry igh "please Ginny let me talk to you" he beg her "no i dont want to hear anything from you" she got up and get in an empty cabin to sit alone,Hermione got up too and went to her "Ginny why you are so mad at him?" she look at her and Ginny ake a breath "he try to saw of.He try to....have you know..." she went next to her "so what?" Hermione ask her "so what?so what?!? he try it infront Draco!!" she said mad a lot and Hermione gasp "erm...i am sorry Ginny" she hug her.She sigh and hug her back "did you understand why i dont want to talk to her" she look at her and Hermione realise something "wait a moment you call Malfoy as Draco???" Ginny blush a lot and look away "no,no i didnt" she blush a bit more "no you did,why you call him Draco Gin?" she look her with saspisus look "can you keep a secret Hermione?" Hermione nods a lot " know with Draco......i....i am" she blush more and more "you are what Gin?" she look at Hermione "in love"she wishpers and Hermione gasp "in what?!?".The train stop and Ginny walk up "see you latter Hermione" she wave to her and Hermione walk to her "Ginny wait you cant leave like that,you where about to say something to me" Ginny smiles "meet me in three brooms sticks to talk,ok?" Hermione nods and Ginny walk to Ron and act like nothing happen.Infrond of her she saw Draco and she grin to hima lot,Draco play with his breaclet and she blush a lot.

She wlk to her house with Ron and got to her room,she didnt want to see Harry at all.She got dressed and before go she write an olw to Draco.

"Drear Draco,

I think about you all the time,i think you too do...i said to Hermione about us i hope this it is ok...can we meet tomorrow?i will cant wait to meet you" 

Yours G.W

She smile and sent it to him then she wlk downstairs "Mum i am going to three broom sticks to meet Hermione" she smile "ok sweetie just be here in dinner time" she nods and walk off her house.She meet Hermione and tell her about everything "Ginny are you crazy?ok Harry didnt act ok but with Malfoy?" she bush and nods"he is so sweet to me Hermione,he hasnt push me to do anything.he also give me this to have a part of him with me" she blush a bit more "Ginny is Malfoy are you sure?" Ginny nods a lot "i am more then sure Hermione" she grins "i can trust him i had never fell like that before" she look at her friend "be carefull ok" Hermione hug her a bit "i will" she grin and hug her back.The keep talk for a lot time and when it was dinner time she look at Hermione "do you want to eat in my house?" she grins and Hermione nods "sure,i would love to" they both went back at Weasley's house and have dinner.

Athor Note:so that was it.i hope you like it in the next Ch. we will see Draco's and Ginny's first date ;).happy new year once again.see you soon ;)

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