ch.3 the begin or the end?

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Ginny was still frozen by Draco kiss "w-we cant Draco..." she said a bit sad and looked away "why Ginny?why we can't?" he ask and race his hand to stroke her but she move her head away "we are enemies..." she reply and stand up "our families are we are not enemies,are we?" Draco said with a tone that could saw Ginny his will and care but she shake head "this kiss never happen,i must hate you and I do Malfoy" she had a cold tone that breaks Dracos fellings "very well Weasley!" he reply mad and walk to his common room,Ginny tears a bit and walk to her room too. 

That night none of them could fell sleep.Ginny was thinking the kiss that Draco gave her and he the words that she said and how much they hurt him.The next morning both went to great hall,first Ginny was there and alone,minutes latter Draco get in but his face was the some calm emotioless face he always has.As Ginny saw him she stand up and look at him but he pass her and walk to Slytherins table.Ginny take a breath and sit next to him "hi" she said with worry tone that he was mad "go to your table Weasley" he reply with cold and ice tone,that make Ginny fell more sad but she hold her self "i want to talk to you about last night..." she said and look at him as he rease an eyebrow "last night? What about? nothing special happen last night as I remember" she got more sad with his reply "the kiss was something for me" she said with honest tone "the kiss you had with Potter has nothing to do with me" he look her mad thinking she play with him "dont be stupid to me I mean our kiss Draco..." she look him calm and sad "the one that never happen?dont play with me Weasley I am not Potter!!!" he said mad and still looking her "can you calm? I am trying to tell you something..." she look him "i cant forget our kiss from last nigh,i try but I cant..." she take his hand but he didnt say something "none ever had kiss me like that I could fell your love for me though it"  she blush and he calm a bit then Ginny hear footstep and stand up "meet me on the potions class before lunch" she kiss his cheek fast and walk away.He was surprised,he put his hand on the cheek that she had kissed and smile a little bit. 

Before lunch time Draco walk to potions class and saw Ginny waiting.She look at him "you come,I knew you will come" she grins and walk to him "i did" he reply a bit unsure of what the younger Weasley maybe want.Her left hand toke his hands and with the other she stroke his cheek fontly "Draco?" she had had sweet tone and he look her into her eyes "i like you too" she smiles at him "hm?" he had got hurt for that she had said and Ginny look into his grey/silver eyes "please say something Draco" she beg him and he was unsure a lot "but you say we cant be together..." he look her "i did but your kiss  make me fell things I never had for anyone" she said and stroke his cheek more "so?is that a yes?" he ask her still unsure "it is more that a yes Draco,i think I love you" he smiles "do you?" he ask but she learn and kiss him "i want to fell your love and your arms around me" she blush and Draco kiss her once again,moves his arms around her and said "i am glad you are sure" he smiles and  look to her eyes "with your kiss I forget all my problems" she said with a grin and he hug her more "me too" he reply soflty and keep his arms around her.

Athor:i hope you like it :D keep looking for new ch ;)

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