ch.10 lets stay like that forever

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Author: one the last chapter we saw Ginny reply when Draco ask her if she trust him and now we will see what will go on ;)

As they break the kiss Draco look her deep into her eyes,staring her.Ginny try to understand what is going on,he had a smile in his face,a calm one.She never had seen him like that but his smile making her calm too and she was staring him into his eyes too,with love and care.Finally after some minutes Draco spoke. "you have something that makes me come to you close,weird kind of aura that making me want to explore this strange thing.The day that Potter force you for having sex with him make me sure that we are so different but so alike too" his words make her blush a lot "when I kiss you I felled the same thing" she smile "late me finish" she nod "I know at is not right to be together we had to be enemies but I just cant,seven months had passed after that kiss there and speacially after what had happen the last night I think you more,so please Ginny let me" he said and kiss her with passion.Ginny was a lot red knowing what he meant and kiss him deeply back.

Draco roll her as they where kissing in the room and move her against an other door.He open it as they where kissing and moved in a decorated bedroom and he softly break the kissing letting her look around.

The room was big and warm.rose petals saw up a road.He take her hand and both walk down the small hall.In the end of the hall the road had hade two smaller roads  the open was leading in the bed and the other to a table.Also some petals where making a heart and the heart was full of small white candles.Ginny was looking around the room a lot surprised and happy too and after some minutes she speak "this is..." she face Draco and had some happy tears "you don't like it?" he ask her a bit worry and she shake her head "no it is great" she hug him and then she kiss him.He smile and kiss her back a lot and after a bit he break it "lets eat first" she nods and walk toward the table with him.They sit down and start eating,the dinner was with things that she like to eat and she was a lot happy.

As they finish it he bring her,with her chair,more close "it is dissert time" he said with a small smirk while playing with her hair.She blush and look him into his eyes "what we have for dessert Draco?" he click his fingers and waffles saw up "but in frond of them you are more sweet" he kiss her with passion.Ginny blush even more knowing very well what he meant and kiss him back. "this is the last time I brake the kiss" he said with a bigger smirk and cut some of the waffles "miss" he feed her and he eat some as well. "they are really good Draco" she smile "wait to se the rest before say" his comment make her shy somehow.

Finally when they finish he stand up and offer her his hand "one more dance?" she take his hand and nods "I would love to" they dance for a bit and then Draco learn and kiss her deeply moving her  body closer to the bed (AUTOR NOTE:UNDER 18 SKIP PLEASE WHERE YOU WILL SEE AN ARROW).Ginny lay to the bed while kissing him deeply back,he move one hand to her leg and stroke it under the dress "are you are you will not fell bad after it" he ask her and Ginny just shake her head.He smile and kiss her a lot back moving his hand off her leg to her solder and move the arm of the dress off with the arm of her bra and learn to her chest "may I?" he ask with soft tone and Ginny nod once again.With it Draco start sucking her breast softy and his other arm was holing her in protective  way that made Ginny fell like melt and like the way he was holding her,the way he was kissing her everything was making her melt even if she was a bit anxious  cause she was virgin.After a bit Draco stop sucking her and kiss her deeply,Ginny move her hands behind his neck and was surprised the he was shaking a bit "are you ok Draco" he nods and kiss her again "yes I are my first" Ginny got more surprised and kiss him a lot "don't worry" he smile and move one hand to her panties,that make her make surprised but he was just rubbing her there,nothing more.She moan after a bit and kiss him more as she was red a lot.She find her self moving without thinking and had take his shirt off.He help her and after a bit he lick his fingers "if it hurt you will the me" he was a bit red but he fast take off her panties and stuck his fingers in her.Ginny gasp a bit and he stop "did it hurt" he ask worried a lot "only a bit"she reply and he kiss her and push in his fingers again making Ginny gasp but a bit more softly  while kissing him and she run a finger to his neck body making his silver a bit and suck more in her and he fell some blood getting down.She moan a bit as she start like it and kissing more,he kiss her deeply back and pull his fingers out and hold her against his.She move her hand to his pants and slowly start talking them off.As they her off he take his underwear and her dress too and kiss her more and milere withouth end.He reach his hand to her back taking her bra off and kiss her even more.

Then he start getting in her and make her moan with last.Fast breaths where sound for both and as the time pass he was more fast than before making Ginny moan with lust and then the to the final he stop a bit for kiss her and try it caught his breath "Ginny I will cant hold on more" he said as he was about to finish her and she kiss him deeply "then don't hold more" he kiss her back a lot and then after some more thrusts he finish in her and roll next to her.


He turn to Ginny and hug her "thank you" he kiss her and she grin "I had tell to my mum that I will sleep to Luna so we can stay here" she said with a small blush in her face and he kiss her again "that is more awesome" he hug her and both fell asleep with a smile in there face after what it had happen.

Author Note(the last one :P): I hope you like it guys,see you in the next chapter ;)

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