ch.13 war and love

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Author note:sorry my mind had stoped for a bit but here is the new chapter I hope you like it.

the was had start a week or two ago and Harry come with an idea of making Draco and Ginny broke up,he make the polyjuice potion with Draco's hair.He lock Draco to boys bathroom and walk to great hall,he ignore Ginny and sit at Slytherin.He start flirt around with slytherins girls and when Pancy walk in the room he take her and kiss her.Ginny saw it and turn mad away,she take Draco's ring away and after a bit she walk away from the great hall.Harry smirk a bit and after a bit he stand and follow her,for his bad luck Draco was out the bathroom and as he saw Ginny he walk to her "why you cry Ginny" she look him mad and slap him "I don't want to see you again go to Pancy If you like to hang out we are over" Draco look her lost and try to calm her down "what you mean Ginny?" he hold her hands "you know what I mean very well" she try to walk away but Draco notice Harry,take her hand and start walking,following Harry who was like him.

 As Harry had nowhere to go he stop. "let me go" Ginny demand but Draco point at Harry "I don't know what happen but he lock me in the bath and he did what you think I did" Draco said mad and look Harry.When Ginny that they where two Draco got more lost and Draco take her hand "I can prove you who is the real one he is Potter,Potter take my form just believe me Ginny.Ask him something that onnnly both of us can know" she nod and try to calm down "he lie I just got bored of you plush Pancy is a beeter kisser than you" Harry said with a smirk and Ginny look him mad "make me believe that you are the real Draco" she said still angry  and Harry nod "fine let me here your question" Ginny look Draco and then Harry "what I have give you at Christmas?" Harry laugh "you expect me to remember I got so many present that I don't even know which is yours" he smirk and Draco smirk more "wrong Ginny had give me a bracelet that I always have on my left hand" Ginny turn and look Draco whit a smile "w-what?" Harry lok his hand and see it then look Ginny "it was a joke to see if he cares Gin don't get mad" Ginny walk to him and slap him hard "I hate you Harry if you think that with this way we could be together again,keep dreaming" she walk to Draco and pull him down to a passionate kiss,Draco kiss her back with love and passion and Harry's eyes widen id the saw of them kissing "when he will though you away like trash don't come to me cry" Harry said mad "he will never do he is not like you" Ginny reply with brave tone and  Harry and walk away.

A couple of minutes had pasted and Ginny was only staring Draco a bit red,after a bit she take a breath "I am sorry for believed that you kissed Pancy" Draco was calm and smile a bit to her while stroking her cheek "there is not reason for sorry since Potter had did it" he learna dn kiss her soflty to her lips.When they broke the kiss Ginny hug him tightly snd he saw her the ring "I don't think I have to keep this right?" she nods and offer him her hand.Draco slit the ring to her finger and kiss her hand.Ginny smile and look him happy "let get a room for the two of us since it is Sunday we don't have classes to attend,she blush and nod at him.

Draco was holing her hanr with his and both of them went to Draco's head-boy room,he sit her softly on the bed and he sit next to her.He slowly learn and kiss her shoulder,then her neck leaving love bites to her.Ginny close her eyes and enjoy his tough,he bite her a bit more hard and she bleed a bit "I am sorry I didn't mean to..." he apologist to her and she smile "it didn't hurt that must It is ok" Draco sigh in relief and lick the blood from her,then he lay her down to the bed kissing her more.Sooner or later both of then where without clothes or underwear's,this time Ginny was biting Draco's neck as he was slowly moving in her,he made him bleed too amd when she lick him she fell like electric hit her a bit.He fell it too and look her "what was that?" he look her into her eyes and Ginny her lips a bit "I think we are somehow married now..." Draco widen his eyes surprised "are you sure?" she nod and kiss his mark "is it ok?" he smile a bit and nod "I wouldnt think a better marriage mis Malfoy" she giggles a bit with a blush and kissed him.He made love all night and in the end they fell asleep hugging till the morning find them.

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