ch.4 big steps

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Author:sorry for late guys I had some things to do,anyway here is the new drinny chapter :D 

Ginny was happy in Draco's arms,she could fell safe,she liked that hug was the perfect place for her to hide for everything that could make her sad "your hug is so warm" she said with a smile and cuddle in his arms and Draco couldn't hide his happiness,all this till the dinner time.Draco stroke her head and softly pushed her away "it is time for dinner We...I mean Ginny" she smile as hear her name called and nods "you are right lets go together" she grins and he look down "we can't Ginny" she look a bit sad "why we cant?" she ask and look at him again "I am Malfoy Ginny don't you forget if your brother find it he will kill us both" he was sad cause he just had kissed her and now they had to fell apart once more and this could break his heart "I know" Ginny reply a bit sad and walk a bit away for him "we can meet after lunch if you want" he said fast and taked her hand to hold it.Ginny smiles and nods "I would like to Draco" he smiles and kiss her hand "at the lake then,I will wait you" Ginny nods and walk out the class like nothing had happen,Draco stayed their and sit in a chair "she is so dump sexy and hot" he was thinking and after a bit he got out the class too. 

Ginny walked to  the great hall meet the others,she was clearly looking happy and was smiling a lot.She sit down look at Hermione "Hello Mione where is Ron and Harry?" Hermione look at her and shrugs "I don't know but why you look so happy?" she asked and Ginny shrugs "I don't know" she had  somehow playfully tone and Hermione start reading her book again.Minutes letter Draco got in the great hall and his eyes meets Ginny's ones again,they where like that for some minutes until Blaze pushed him and they both went to sit on Slytherins table.Both Ginny and Draco where eating, Draco was making fun with Harry as usually,and Ginny was eating a bit fast than she usually does.After a bit  she walk away from the great hall down to the lake,she sit on the grass and wait him to come. 

Draco saw up some minutes letter and went behind her,he breath softly to her neck,she silver a bit "Dr..Draco...." she had a tone that was clear that she liked it,he learn and kiss her ear "I missed you Ginny" he had a seductive tone that could make Ginny melt in his arms without second though "i...missed you too Draco" she was lost from his way of talk.He come in-frond of her and stroke her cheek and Ginny close her eyes,his stroke her cheek so soft and full of love.He come closer and kiss her,her hands went around him and kiss him back a lot.With his one hand he stroke her neck and the other he move it to her butt and hold her from their,she moan softly from his moves and he after some minutes break softly the kiss,he moved to her neck and kiss her their.Now his both hands where on her butt rubbing them,making Ginny melting and was hopeless in his arms.(NOTE:UNDER 18 NOT SEE IT)he keep kissing her on her neck and with his one hand take off her robe,leaving her with her shirt and skirt.Ginny blush a bit and look at him,he move her shirt a bit up and kiss her bare stomach,she lay her self on the glass while she moan a bit more.He kiss her stomach more while he was moving her shirt more up,she bite her down lip and was more red "you are so sexy Ginny" he said and kiss her lips deeply,she kiss him deeply back and was blushing a lot.He was kissing her breast without taking out her bra, she moan a bit more and kiss his neck.Draco liked that kiss a lot and moan a bit too he taked his robe off too.She kiss hiss lips a lot and Draco take her pants off he strokes her legs softly,she kiss him back but stop him a bit " go to fast" he kiss her with lust "do i?" he had a seductive tone and she nod "y....yes you do" she couldn't say not but she wasn't ready,he hug her and move her pants back but he still had  his hand on her butt "I didn't want to push you,I am sorry Ginny" he was felling guilty a bit and and hug her more "it is ok,I am just not ready" she said a bit sad and he nods "I understand,don't worry" she smiles and hug him more "I love you Draco" he grins and stroke her head "I love you too Ginny"

Author:I hope you like the new chapter of my Drinny,ok as now we know that sir Malfoy want Ginny,but she is not ready for that.See you in the next chapter until then have a nice day ;)

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