Ch.9 do you trust me?

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athor note: hello,hello,hello :D I have a good idea I will give y ou a clue ;) E.T baby,i hope you like it,enjoy!

As Ginny walk back to her home she couldn't take her mind off his way of toughing her,so gently,with,love and protective way that make her heart melt,she had forgot her friend that was walking next to her and blush was hot pink.She had a dreamily lost smile Harry never had thought her the way Draco had did,he never had kiss her like Draco had did,she couldn't stop thinking all over again the same thing and Hermione cough,with that sound Ginny pouf off her thoughts and look her friend "w-what happen?" Hermione sigh "you are out of space you come back...did he did something to you?" she look Ginny and she blush even more "he did!!!!" she got mad "you blame Harry for thought you and you let Malfoy to do more!!!!" she yell and Ginny look at her "he didn't do anything Hermione calm down,he just stroke my body under the dress he didn't force for anything else..."she blush more and Hermione sigh "he is our enemy how could you kiss him,hug him,smile to him....he is a death eater Ginny a killer..." she look at her a bit sad "he call me mudblood...he hate us...hate you...are sure that this is not a plan from you know who?" she look worried at Ginny thinking she will maybe die "Draco is not like that...he love me I am sure for that..." she said sure and Hermione nod "but do you trust him?" Ginny frown a bit "I know I can trust him" she smile,Hermione shrug and open the door of her house and they both walk in. "hello girls,welcome back" miss Weasley said with a smile and look the girls "Ginny you are red are you sick dear?" she ask worried and Ginny shake her head "no I am fine mum It is just hot here" she smiles and sit on the table.

All of them eat happy and as the finish Ginny  walk to her room and close the door behind her.She saw an owl waiting for her and she grin a lot "Draco" she said with a grin,open it fast and start reading.

Dear G.W

I am glad you like our lunch time together and what happen after it was a lot  to make me even more happy.Meet  me Malkin's I have a surprise for you

Yours D.M

Ginny grin a lot and hug the letter "I will come" she put it down her pillow and lay in her bed thinking what they did in their first date out of school and blush even more.After some minutes she fell asleep thinking of Draco and dream him.The next morning she walk downstairs without waiting any other moment and  take a slide of a bread "I have to go mum I have to meet Luna" before miss Weasley could say something Ginny had already left.She apparate in frond of the shop and wait him.A hand was on her shoulder minutes ago and she got sceard,almost about to scream but a had moved to her moth and a man whisper "it is me Ginny,Draco" she relax and turn to look at him with a grin in her face "good morning Draco" she look over his eyes and frown "you are not Draco" she said a bit mad "no it is me Ginny I just change my eyes and hair color tou don't want to saw us together I think" he raise his hand and try to stroke her cheek but she move his hand fast "prove it what I give you to remember me" she cross her hands and look him "your favorite brashest and I still wear it" he was it to her and she hug hug him "why you change?" she ask him and he learn and kiss her "it is part of the surprise" he grins,pull  hood down and stare her in her eyes "are you ready for the surprise to start?" she grins and kiss his lips "yes I am" he kiss her back and takes her hand "we better start we have the hall day to spend together" she grins and nods "yes I am".

With that word Draco move in shop with her she look around the dresses and was amassed "why we get here?" she ask shy and look around "to pick something of course" he grins,pick the box and grins "here" he give it to her "for me"she ask shy and blush "but why?" she look at him "part of the surprise Ginny" he grins "but can you wear it?" he ask her and she nods "wait me out the shop" she said with a blush and walk to the change room.She open the box and gasp "oh my it is wonderfull" she tears happily a bit,take her clothes off and look her body "this underwear are not good for this dress" she take her wand out and change her underwear,she want everything to be prefect.When she change she wear the dress and a cough up to dress,then she walk out the rrom and the shop and stand next to him "I am ready" she said with a blush and he grins "great" he take her hand and stroll around the streets happily "I am happy that none had understand that it is me with you" he grins and hold her hand more tightly,she grins back to him "I am happy too" he kiss her hand and want out the ice-cream shop "my beautiful miss what flavor you want?" she blush at his words and think "strawberry,waht about you?" she grins and look him "I will take vanilia with cookies" he order and look at her as she eat some "how it is?" she smiles and offer her ice-cream"it is really good,want some?" he nods with a smirk,learn and kiss her deeply.She kiss him back for a bit long time felling her hall body ask for more and she was red a bit as they break the kiss after some minutes.

When she finish her ice cream he takes his wand out "ready for the biggest surprised?" she grins and nods.With a flick of his wand they where out of a big wooden door,he take her cape away and his too "you are so beautiful with this dress Ginny" he said,scan her body and  she bow in princess style "thank you" he get in the room with her and his eyes,hair and cothes change.He was wearing a slim suit with a loosen tie on his neck,he bow to her "may I have this dance" she grins happily and bow too "yes you can" they start dancing all the time and when the song change they come more closer.She was holding him tightly and he whisper  to her ear "I love you Ginny" she smile even more and whisper back "I love you too Draco".

They where dancing for long time and when they finish she walk to the balcony staring the sunrise while they where holing there hands.Draco turn and look at Ginny "Ginny..." she turn and face him "what is it Draco?" she smiles "do you trust me?" she ask her and Hermione's words come to her mind "why you ask me that now?" she finally ask him after some minutes and he race his hand to stroke her cheek "just tell me,do you trust me?" his voice was soft and make Ginny melt she was thinking what had happen the last day and then Hermione's words.Both thoughts dizzy her mind she didn't know what to say it was true she was in love in him but could he trust him?But the last time he didn't had hurt her only stroking her body she reply to her self and still she was wearing special beautiful and sexy underwear in case that he would touch  her again,she want that touch and a smile appear in her face a minute after he had ask her "I do trust you with my hall heart Draco" he smile in her reply and kiss her deeply and passionate.

Athor note: Interesting don't you think ;) now I said in the start the song E.T from Katy  Parry cause I think it suit to her thoughts about Draco

You're so hypnotizingCould you be the devil? Could you be an angel?Your touch magnetizing Feels like I am floating, leaves my body glowing

Kiss me, ki-ki-kiss me Infect me with your love and Fill me with your poison

Take me, ta-ta-take me Wanna be a victim Ready for abduction *sing along* :P

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