ch.14 are you sure?

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Autor note:here I am one more time the end is getting closer and closer,i hope you liked the story so far.i am sorry if I mistakes i try my best to write the story without grammar mistakes.anyways here is chapter 14 i hope you will enjoy it :)

Draco smile for last time to Ginny and both fell asleep in the perfect-boy's room of Draco.The next day find them together,first wake up Ginny.SHe rub her eyes sleepy and then she turn to the male next to her and give him a kiss on his cheek,Draco several minutes ago start walking up and yawn. "good morning my prince" Ginny said with a small blush and fell Draco's hand pull her close to him "good morning Ginny" .He hold her with protective way and she grin. "what you want to do today it is Sunday and that mean we are free from this stupid school" he ask her and Ginny think of it a bit "first of all we have to talk to head master about what happen last night" she blush a bit and he nods "ok since you want" he stand and start getting dressed,Ginny did the same.

When they where ready they head to head master's room and knock the door. "yes you can come in Draco and Ginny Malfoy" he said calm and the couple widen their eyes "how you knew it?" Draco ask surprised "I know everything that take part in this castle Draco" he said and walk to his chair "then you know why we are here too" Ginny said and didn't take her eyes away from the old man and he nods while he sit down "yes I do,please sit we have to talk" the both sit in a sofa and Draco look Ginny then him "my father will kill me if he learn that...." he sigh and Dumbledore put his hands to his desk "he will not don't worry and I think the better way of everyone learn about it is after war and not right now". Ginny nod and look Draco "I was thinking the same Draco,if they learn it now they will be more mad" he nods and stand up "then we go now" without say anything else,he take her hand and head to the door but before gone Dumbledore said "careful what you chose Draco" he turn and look the old man then he head off his room and sigh a bit.He then look Ginny "want to go for a walk in....muggle word Miss Malfoy?" he smirk at the name and Ginny nod red.

Soon they where on London,it was a sunny day and both of them not afraiding if anyone saw them they walk to a dinner while they where holding hands.She was looking happy around and then Draco "it is perfect Draco" he smiles and nods "I am glad that you like it".They had their dinner and after a bit Draco look into her eyes "Gin?" she look him with loved and smile "what is it?",without say anything else he take out a green box and open "after the war will you marry me?" she tear and look the ring "are you sure?" she ask him softly and Draco noods "more than sure,so do you or you don't?" she grins and nods "I do" he smile back and wipe her tears out "then you will be formally miss Malfoy" he smirk a bit,put the ring to her finger and kiss her.After eating both head back to school "I think we can sleep in my room,since I am perfect and I sleep alone.If you want too" he said kinda serious and look Ginny "I am ok with that"she smiles and they head to his room.

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