ch2.why you care?

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Weaks past fast and Ginny hasn't saw up in the great hall or classes.Draco couldn't take out of his mind the sad face the Weasley had made that day in the libary.When his D.A class end he saw a shadow liking like Ginny's ones and he follow her.Yes it was Ginny,she walk out the halls of the castel,down to the lake when Draco had saw her sad and had see her beauty too but this time Ginny was moresad.He take a breath and walk closer,Ginny close her book and without ask she say "what you want Malfoy?" he say a bit mad thinking that Draco will make fun off her. "I saw you like...that and i come to ask..." Ginny wasnt sure if he makes fun or not but reply with ironc tone "since when you  you want to know who i am Malfoy?" Draco turn mad with her tone "never mind my fault for care" he say fast without think what he said and tuns to walk away but Ginny grap his hand "you,you care?" she ask unsure with mix fellings it was the first time that he had said he care about someone.Draco didnt reply and she look at him and let his hand  "can we talk?" he ask and Ginny nod at him "why you said you care?" she ask nd Draco look away then after a minute he look at her "how are you?" he ask and look at her "Malfoy why you care?" she ask again "i just do" he reply and sit next to her and Ginny got more suprised "but you are a Malfoy..." he look at her as she said that "so?that doesnt mean i dont have fellings you know" he look a bit mad but ginny look him sad and his face calm "I know you have fellings and thank you for care...i had....better days" she reply more sad "what Potter did to you wasnt good,I think.If I was himi wouldnt do it" Ginny look more suprised  and she widen her eyes "w-what?' she ask as she couldnt believe of what he just say "I say the true..." he smirk a bit  "wow...ok then.."  Ginny reply with suprised tone and he smirk a lot "why you dont go to the great hall or to your classes" he ask and she shigh "try not get infrond of you know who".

For a moment he think about kissing her abut he shake his head and say fast "what about go to the great hall with me and sit together,I am sure he will not dare come if i wil be there" he smirk more "i dont know...but why you want to do that?" she look at him "to help a friend i can do that" he smirk and think "why i said come on....what is wrong with you?why tou say stupid things?" . While he was thinking that Ginny take a deep breath and look at him sure "lets go" he smirk a lot,stand and offer his hand.Ginny take it and both walk to the great hall everyone as see them like that they gasp a lot and start wispering things,that make Ginny blush and Draco look whith his cold way the kids and they stop.Manitues latter he open the door of great hall and get in with Ginny.Harry saw them and look mad,Draco rely with a smirk to him and look at Ginny."i am sure you are very hungry" he said and Ginny nod "eat them" he try not to smile but Ginny smile to him  a lot and start eat.

As they finish Draco wth Ginny stand up and Harry come but Ginny look him mad and go.Draco follow her "could just calm down?!" he had a bit demand tone "no i cant he piss me off,how i could in love with him" she said mad while walking fast "just stop" Draco grap her hand and they come too closer.Ginny look into his grey eyes and got a bit lost "why you help me?" she ask calm and soft "i told you i care about you"  he reply and stroke her cheek "but...but our familys are enemes" she said more lost and like his stroke "what if they are,we are not" he stroke her neck and Ginny fell butterflys in her stomach "w-we cant" she said more weak by his stroke "we cant?" he reply and come closer to her "y-yes w-we are  enemes" she reply and blush more as he come closer "are we really are Gin?" he said with sadactive tone and she shake head "n-no we are not" she said and the butterflys she was felling didnt stop but become more and more.Then draco stroke her hair,Ginny blush more at it and close her eyes,then he kiss her softly and stoke her neck.She like it and kiss him beck while moving her hands to his neck.Draco move her to the wall and kiss her more.

After many minutes they stop and Ginny place one of her fingers to her lips "Giny?" he look at her and she nods "i think i like you" ginny blush more and coun't believe what Draco just told her

Athor:sorry for lae but i got such and didnt know how to write it :p what you think Ginny will say? well this and many more we will see them of the nexk chapter of "Behind blue eyes".thank for reading

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