Ch.8 under the Christams tree-Finally part-

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Athor:yes ye si know Christams had pass but the story is still in Christams fell,i hope you would like it :)

Ginny walk in the kichen with her friend and all together eat their Dinner.Sir Weasley walk in the house and welcome everybody "hello dear" miss Molly said to his husband and they kissed he smile and sit down "hello family" he said with a smile "i got you Christams present" he hag out the boxies "this is for Ginny,my flower merry Christams" Ginny smile a lot and take it "thank you daddy" she open it and a a nice shirt was on it "here for oyu boys" he give the two presents to Geroge and Fred "thank you dad" they both said and open them too "dont think i forgot you Ron" he give him a red box "thanks dad" Ron smiles "miss Granger this is for you" he give her a orange box "it was not need sir but thank" she smiles "you are welcome dear.last but not list Harry this is for you my son" Harry grins and take it "thank you so much sir" he look Ginny and but turn and look away mad.

As they finish their dinner Ginny stand with Hermione and walk to her room.Ginny find her owl waiting and grins a lot "Draco"she run to it and look the letter.


I cant stop thinking you too here things as so moody,dad is always away and mum try to talk to me but i wasnt in mood to talk to her.I cant wait till i will see you again.Tomorrow 10:00 o'clock out of Three Broom Sticks,i will wait you.


Ginny read it loudly and look Hermione "Are you sure Gin for this" she nods "more than sure i had missed him so much this week that had pased" she blush a bit "what to say....i am not sure Ginny,please be carefull" Ginny grins and nods "i will be mum" she giggles a bit "lets get for sleep now i want to be perfect tomorrow" she blush abit moreand look at the ring that Draco had gine her and kiss it "goodnight" Ginny smile and fell asleep and dream Draco.

The next morning she woke up early in the morning and did a bath,then she pick her girly red dress and was trying to fix her hair.At the time that Hermione woke up and look her friend trying to brash her hair "let me help you" Hermione stand and start brasing Ginny's hair "thank you Mione" she grin and look her reflection to the mirrol "they look awesome thank you" and trun and hug Hermione "you are welcome but i was thinking how you will go there you need to say something "i will not go alone you will come with me,we will tell to mother that we will go there and as we go you go to three broom sticks and i will go to my date" she grins with a blush "you had think about everything right?" Ginny nod and Hermione sigh "ok give a minute to get dressed" she grin "thank you Hermione" she change chlothes "i did this for once and last time" she nod "i got it let go" Ginny said and both walk downstairs "mother we will go for a walk ok?" all turn and look the two girls "you are beautifull today Ginny" Harry said with a smile and she didnt even look at him "can we go mum" she lok her mum "sure you can,have fun" she smile "oh we will" Hermioe said and look Ginny that she blush "we are off" they both head out  the house and head to Diagon Alley. 

"Here i will wait for him,you go in and wait me come back ok?" Ginny said with a girn and she nods "see you" Hermione head in the shop and she wait from Draco.Ginny look at street of the happy couples that where laughing and hold there hand and she look at her with a small smile.With out expect it a tall man come to her back and close her eyes,Ginny could smell his perfume and smile "Draco" she look and look at him "hello to you too" Draco said with a smirk  and continue "lets go somewhere that they cant see us" he said offer his hand and she nods "i can go everywhere with you" she blush a bit and take his hand and he nod.He aperate them to a place with flowers and she look around "wow Draco it is beautiful" she grins and he hug her from her back "not as beautifull as you are" he touch her cheek and turn her face and they kiss ecte other,as they where kissing it start snowing and she grin at the kiss "i miss you" she sneeze in his arms "i did too" he stroke her head and hug her more.Ginny couldnt hide her smile and saw him the right "i wear it every day" she smiles a bit more "so do i" he saw her and breshlet  "did anyone saw it?" she ask a bit worried "no none had notice it but  lets let that and look there" he point with his wand and a table under a tend that was decorede and the table had cudles and food "this wait us" he said with a small smirk and Ginny tears a bit "it is so beautiful" she kiss him "lets go" she grins and both head to the table.

They both eating and kissing from time to time "i am glad that you like it" she nods "i dont just like i love it" she grins a lot and as they finish they both and have a walk to the snowing forest that was close while holding hands.After bit they look a good tree and he sit down with pating his lap "come" she nods and sti on his lap with a grin.Draco learn and kiss her passionate and Ginny kiss him passionate back.They where kissing for a lot time and Draco was rubing his had to her waste,slowly moving more down and catch the end of the dress.He move it a bit up and she blush "....Draco..what you do there.." shewas a bit lost from the kiss but not that lost fro not understand his movements "do you trust me?" he ask,look her into her eyes and she nods a bit"yes i do but i dont want to happen" she blush a bit "i wouldnever could hurt you and this htat you think will not happen" he kiss her deeply "i just want to fell your body is that bad" Draco ask her wiht his sexy tone and she shake head "no it is not bad" she kiss him back and stay like that  from long time.After some hours they both stop and he move her dress back to it place "i have to go" she said a bit sad "i know i have to" he kiss her forehead "we will meet again tomorrow dont worry" he smile a bit "we will?" she ask with a grin and he nods.They both stand kissed for last time and Draco aperate her back to three brooms sticks "i love you" he wish pers to her ear" she grins and wispers back "so do i" Draco gone and she walk to the shop,meet Hermione and a dreamily  smile and both head back to her house.

Athor:that was it i hope like it see you soon bye bye for now.

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