ch.11 Back to reallity

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Author Note:here we are and chapters about Draco and Ginny been in Christmas mood end in the half of this one but what will happen?problems?whishpers?i don't tell you have to read :P.Enjoy

Ginny walk up the next morning in Draco's arms and grin a lot happily cause for a second she thought that what had happen last night was just a dream.She hug him a lot,he walk up and look at her "good-morning princess" he kiss her and Ginny blush "good morning" he sneeze her a lot and she grin.Then he stand up and take her hand,both of them walk in frond of the mirror "I hold the most beautiful girl in my hands" he whisper to her ear and a flame of hem saw up in Draco's hands.Ginny saw It,blush at it and he kiss her deeply.An other flame saw up of them kissing.They take some more flames and then Draco knee to her with flowers on his hands "this is for you Ginny" she bush a lot at it and take them "with the promise that  I will never let you go" he smile and she tear happily "I love you" she get to his high and kiss him deeply and with love.

He slowly break the kiss after a bit and ask her "do you have time?" she smile and nods "then lets go for a walk before you have to head to your home".They got dressed and aperrate to Diagon Alley,his hair where dark again and did a small stroll on the streets ,both where smiling and after a bit they sit to look the sunset while kissing.when they broke the kiss he give her a flame of them dancing and then kissing and she blush "I will not let anyone se it this is our secret" she blush and give him one more kiss "I have to go owl me" he kiss her back and nods "I will when I can I promise"

She gone in a flash of light and aperrate in frond of her house,she make sure that the right and flame are in face place and get in her house "I am back mother" Miss Molly look at her a bit worried "you got late Ginny" Ginny look down "I lost sense of time I am sorry but I had so good time with Luna and I couldn't go away" she blush a lot as she knew the true and Miss Weasley sigh "next time inform us  to please" she nods and sit on table "are you hungry?" her mother ask her and she nods "yes mum can I eat something?" Miss Weasley and put a blow of soup to her.Ginny eat without say something and when she finish she walk to her room,lay down and take a small nap.

Ginny walk up in the  evening and look at her window as an owl knock the window "he is here" she said to her self and open the window,they owl fly in and Ginny take the letter.

Dear G.W,

I had the most wonderful day in my life but I have bad  father want me to come with him for some jobs for the rest of 14 I guess I will see you at the school again.I am really sorry.


Ginny got a bit sad but she knew she cant change the fact that his father needs him and sigh a bit.She give some owl food to the owl and right him back "if you can write me back,i had an amassing day too yours G.W" she give it to owl and it fly away.Ginny stand up for her desk and walk down to family,she act like nothing had happen even if her family ask her she smile and said that she is ok but deep inside her she wasn't.

Days past slowly and painfully,on the mornings she was on her house garden staring at the sky even if it was cold or she walk with Hermione at Diagon Alley.At nights she was getting a owl with a fuel words of Draco that made her think and wonder what he is doing but always she was writing back to support him and his work.On the other hand Harry try to talk to her many times but she was out to space or ignore him,Ron try to talk to her too about Harry but he only "mange to make her more mad and angry about  it.Her parents chose not talk about it and let the days pass like that.

When the day of going back to Hogwarts finally come she had make her bag a day ago. "we are about to go Ginny" Miss Weasley call her and she pick the fast her flames of hers and Draco,put the on her solder bag and run with her suitcase down to the fireplace. "lets go" her mum said and after five minutes all of them where to the station "we go now mum" she wave and run thought the wall and get to King Cross.She grin as she spot the blond head of Draco's she walk toward the point,she stop as she saw his fave,she was only some miles away but she can clearly see the sadness behind of his stormy grey.She didn't go any closer and after a bit she get in train thoughtful.

As she where in the castle that she somehow had miss it she walk to her room ,she had a small talk with other girls and at dinner she walk down the halls to the great hall.Then there he was,standing in frond of the big door that lands to the great hall and as she was next to him she poke his arms.He turn his head and look at her a bit lost "are you ok?" she whispery ask him and in the sound of her voice his eyes sparkly and nods "a bit thoughtful only,I miss you" she blush and look into his eyes "I miss you too Draco" she slowly take his hand and stroke it.In a minutes the door open as someone push it and and they toke their hands away,everyone look at them and start ask thing "be more careful brat" he said mad to the student and walk to Slytherin table trying to cover what happen,he didn't want to everyone start gossip them and Ginny as she was red she walk to her common room table.They all eat as wishers where stall fully the room with noise. 

At the night they meet in they lake like they use to sometimes.Draco had come there first and when he saw Ginny he grin at her and she run a bit fast. "Draco I missed you so much this 14 days" she hug him and he stroke her head "I miss you too" he kiss her softly and hug her more tightly."why you gone like that Draco?" he look a bit away "I had jobs to do with me father,i am sorry" he was a guiltily for letting her alone "why this jobs make you sad then?" she stroke his cheek softly "it was stressful but now that I am with you I fell better" he hug again and hold her tightly.They didn't stay for long time like that they had to go to their room but they said they will meet again tomorrow.

Ginny walk to her room happily that she had see him and fell asleep.As for Draco he walk to his room too but he couldn't sleep he was too thoughtful and he just manage o sleep at very early morning.

Author note:that was it,what you think happen why Draco is thoughtful?what happen this 14 days.i will not tell you have to see ch.12 to learn what is new with him.see you soon.bye :) 

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