Ch.15 Finally together

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Author note:After  14 chapters I think it is time for this story to end,thank you very much for the views I hope you liked the story even if my English sucks,I hope you like the end.Bye.

The next day find them sleeping together,they where both sleeping deep until the sun got over Draco's eyes and made him wake up after some minutes.He look over Ginny that was still sleeping and move his hand thought her hair "good morning" he kiss her lips playfully and she start walking up "good morning"  she said and yawn a bit.He smile and take her hand "lets go" she nood and then his dark mark burn his hand "ugh....this is it peaceful days end.....he...he is calling me" he look around fast "I was having other plans but..." he look Ginny "go and stay safe I will wait you" he nods,let go of her hand and and get dressed fast.He look her for last time and kiss her she got apperate to the dark lord.

The months where passing very slow for Ginny,she didn't know how he is or what had happen to him at all,she was anxious a lot and sad,she didn't like the war.She was finding it stupid and useless.Many of her friends die as the war was taking part,last was Fred she couldn't believe it one of  her bothers that she was loving and care was now death,she was felling like dead too.Her only hope was Draco in her darkness dreams the fact that Draco was maybe alive keep her alive too.

As the months passing she was felling sick,most of time in the mornings.The final battle had end with Harry wining,Ginny was happy this mean that the war is over and she would see Draco soon.At the Great Hall the where hosting a party for Harry,Ginny was there bad sad,she had looked everywhere but she couldnt find Draco "where are you?" she tought as looking around.Dizzy fellings made her faint.Ron and her friends fast taked her and take her to a healer.

Ginny walk up after some hours to hospital and fell a hand on hers "w-where i am?" she ask as she moned her hand to her head "at the hospital" the healer reply with a smile "miss what you know about babys?" he ask after a bit "what you mean with that?" she ask thoughfull "you are 2 months pregnat do you know who is the father?" he looked at her and Ginny grins happily then start sobing hard "i....i am pregnat....a-and he....i dont even know if he is alive....." "well i think i am alive and i think i am the dad of this beautifull kid" he smirk and was on the door looking a bit worried at her "D-Draco" she clear her eyes from her tear and healer leave the room "where you gone all this time?" he walk closer to her and hug her "hiding for my father he try to kill me from healing the order....i am sorry Gin" he hold her tightly and whe she learn to kiss him he kiss her back softly.

Soon everyone know everything and it wwas hard to get used to it,it taked them moths,speacially Ron and Harry.As the summer come Ginny was now 7 months pregnat,and today was her ddream day.She was get married with Draco and she was having theirs baby-girl.The two familys looked happy as the saw them together.The priest smile "you may kiss the bride" he said to Draco and he smirk "sure thing" she learn and kiss her "i love you" he wishper to her after broke the kiss "i love you most" she said with a grin and kiss him again.

so this was the eand for our couple they lived together until the very end.I hope you liked the story :)

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