ch.5 deep thoughts

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Athor note:sorry fot last update but here it is ;)

Ginny closed her eyes and hug Draco,that warm hug put young Malfoy into deep thoughts.He knew he liked the youngest Weashley but all was against the two of them,his and her family,school,Potter but what Draco was most afraid of was his fathers "what will my father say if he learns about Ginny or better what he will do to her" Draco though and look at the happy/sleepy head of Ginny's,then he sigh and look at the window.Ginny couldn't think of anything for first time in her short life she felt so many things though Draco's kiss and she  didn't know why but that doesn't meant anything to her on this moment all had disappeared,her worries,her sadness,everything.She was felling complete.She was happy  as long as she could hug him.Minutes latter she felled asleep in his arms,Draco sneaked her in the room and put her into her bed,he kiss her head softly and walk back to his room.

The next day Ginny woke up too early,get ready and walk to the great hall.She was so happy and that was coming out in every movement she was doing.Hermione saw her and couldn't stand not asking  her "did something happen with you and Harry Ginny?" she smiled to her young friend "no nothing happen...why?...why you ask?" she said and her smile faint away "you look unusualy too much energetic and happy  so i though that something happen" Hermione said with her smarty way as she usually does but Ginny only shake her head and start eating.Draco couldn't sleep all night. He was ready to take the risk and talked about all this to her so when his eyes meets her somehow this got though to her,before he go to sit to his table he give a note to her "meet me at Slytherins towel" it was written on it and she nods without looking at him.

After breakfast Ginny walked to Slytherin's towel as Drco ask her to,he was already there siting on one half open window looking outside,she cough sweetly and he turns to look at her "Come" he said calm,Ginny nod and walk next to him.He lifted her and placed her up to the window,in-frond of him and hug her "Ginny...i am sorry but...we cant be together" he said sad and look away "why?we can't?what happen?" she start getting worried "is not that i don't like you but think what will happen if school,Potter,if  your family or worse if  my dad learn that Ginny?..they will try to apart  us,father maybe will do things to your family and i don't want anything bad happen to your family because of me..." she fell like she  was about to tear a bit but she take a breath "we are stronger than them or this right?" she asked with a hidden hope and he sneeze her "i am not sure Ginny...what if we are not?" he look at her "we can still try,promise me we will" she turn  and looked him into his eyes "we...we will" he sneeze her.He couldn't say no to the face that she had made "i love you,none and nothing is that strong as the felling we have for etch other" her words  made him smile and he kiss her,she kiss him back and both look out the window hoping that better days will come for both.

Author note part 2:i hope that you like it,in next Ch.we will have a Christmas felling hohohoho :P

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