Chapter 23

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Bella just stared at Irina and the other girls in confusion before slowly nodding her head. Carmen volunteered to get the others and swiftly left in a way no human eye could see. As she left Irina continued to have this cold stare while looking far off. Rosalie on the other hand had a nervous aura around her concerning the volturi. 

After a considerable amount of time Carmen returned with the whole family in toe. Everyone gathered around in the living room. After everyone was gathered into the room and comfortable Bella spoke, "So who is the volturi?" At the mention of the name, the whole atmosphere of the room shifted from awe and warmth to cold and nervous. Finally, Tanya chose to speak up although her tone held nothing but sorrow. "The Volturi are the ruling vampires and basically are the assuming royalty. Their words are law and their power is enormous. Although they are known worldwide to be cruel, they are also seen to be necessary to the livelihood of vampire kind. " Bella nodded her head along before speaking, "Excuse me if I may?" Tanya tilted her head in acknowledgment. "Even with all of that said that does not explain to me why my mates and the rest of this family are acting like this. I mean I understand maybe feeling cautious concerning them but this feeling which is weird to say. This feeling makes me feel like there is more to the story."  Tanya opened her mouth but Rosalie beat her to the punch. "Bella the Volturi are dangerous not because they are the governing body but because they have been known to collect the gifted and give out harsh punishment to those who break the law. Unfortunately, our cousins or as you may know them as the Denali coven have been on that side of the fence. It resulted in the murder of their sire. While the reason for such punishment was understandable it still hurt." 

Everyone held their breath and Bella closed her eyes as her body began to shake. After inhaling and exhaling her body settled. Not before she pulled her mates closer to her body almost squeezing them to death. Not that they minded if their purrs were anything to go by. Even so the moment was not meant to last because soon Carlisle asked, "Bella if I may ask. How do you know about the Volturi name?"  Looking up the the black-haired girl said, "Because the other side of me told me to find and talk to them." The silence was deafening once that was said. All of a sudden a loud "NO!" broke through the air. Turning her body she looked to see that Irina had a look of horror and rage mixed all into one. "I will not let you meet those mongrel's of women.  They killed Sasha our sire without a second thought or a second chance. The Volturi are blood thirsty psychopaths who find pleasure only in lust and blood. Nothing else! I dare not let you be sullied by there sadistic essence." Unbelievable to the eye it almost seemed like Irina was breathing from her long rant. While many kept shooting her concerned looks, Bella was not one of them. If anything for the first time in her life she felt an almost burning sensation like anger? Maybe that was what she was feeling but she wasn't sure. She just really felt the need to argue her position right now. 

Just as Tanya and Kate were about to try and calm there dear sister, Bella stood to her full height. "Stop that right now!", Bella snarled. Irina could only stare in disbelief at the glare she was rewarded with by her mate. "This is not up for debate. We are going to see these rulers as they are key to my awakening and existence. While I understand your pain and sorrow this is not the time or place. Nor is it your right to dictate where I can and cannot go. The dragon says we need this information and I will get it with or without you!" After she was finished a growl resounded from her chest that shook the house. Irina then kneeled to the ground and bared her neck in recognition. Meanwhile, Carlisle could only stare on in curiosity. He had heard of the Ibrido being dominant but never in person. It was fascinating. Jasper on the other hand could only look on in respect. It was times when he had to put Alice in her place. Many who weren't as in tune with their vampires never understood and it was nice to see a kindred spirit. 

The other two covens just looked on in silence as Bella reached her hand out to grasp Irina's face and bring her to her feet. Irina's eyes were black in confusion but arousal.  They continued to stand that way until Rosalie cleared her throat with narrowed eyes. "I think this conversation is over. Why don't we all regroup and come back to decide on our next course of action.", the tall blonde said. In response most couples in the room swiftly exited probably to relieve themselves es from that erotic display. Meanwhile, Irina and Bella still seemed pent up. Carmen  grabbed Irina and took her outside and Rosalie grabbed Bella and took her up to her room. 

One thing that ran through everyone's mind, "What the hell is going on?"

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