Chapter 6

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After getting my schedule from the office, I preceded to find my locker and get settled. On the way there I was intercepted by a boy named Eric who wanted me to be his new story in the school paper. After politely declining I continued on to my locker, even we he continued to pester me. Then when I made it clear that I definitely didn't want to be in the paper. He left me alone with all smiles. Once I figured out my locker combination. I grumbled, "Freaking teenage boys always trying to sniff around the first girl they see." Grabbing my textbooks and my binder, I headed to my first classes of the day. Around lunch time I was officially irritated. When I got to gym class this boy Mike continued to flirt with me even when I told him under no certain circumstances would I date him. As well I girl that clearly liked him named Jessica was rude and giving me backhanded compliments. The only good part about this morning was this wonderful girl named Angela. She was so nice and shy. Something I need in my life was quiet.

Going into the lunch room I saw all types of teens. Having my own lunch ready made me have to just look for a place to sit. Unfortunately I got roped into sitting with the group of people who made my morning terrible or good (Angela). I listened to them talk about other people and their plans. They tried to get information out of me, but I gave them vague answers. When this girl Lauren showed up, things got worse. She not only flirted and taunted me, but she had the worst attitude towards any and all information I gave about myself. I was confused about these mixed signals. Either way I wasn't looking for any romantic type relationship. I hoped she just dropped it. I have a feeling she won't though.

Lunch became more interesting when the whole cafeteria went from loud talking to hushed whispers. The five people I saw this morning walked in together. When Jessica saw me looking at them she told me all she knew of them along with some nasty comments. "Those are the Cullens. The one in the front with the pained expression on his face is Jasper. The girl beside him that looks like a hyped up five year old is Alice. She is kind of weird though. The two behind them is Edward and Emmett. Emmett is the big guy of the group and Edward is the handsome brooding looking one. Lastly, is Rosalie. Rosalie is known as the ice queen here. She doesn't like anybody and shows it with that ugly scowl on her face. To make all of this worse is that their all like together together except Rosalie because no one is good enough for her." Hearing Jessica make these comments about them all ready was making my blood boil, but for some reason when she spoke of Rosalie like that I snapped.

"You don't even no her personally and you just precede to make petty comments because of your insecurities. It's not her fault she has people falling all over her when she only wants to be left alone. Your stuck over here not even getting the attention you want from wanna be Mike here. Grow up your 18, this isn't kindergarten where you throw a tantrum because someone took your crayon. God people like you make me sick." When I was done her mouth was open in shock, while her friends, even Angela, laughed at her face. Picking up my left over food, I left the cafeteria.

Back at the Cullen table they were shocked at how ruthless and quickly Bella stood up for Rosalie. Jasper said, "She was feeling disgusted and angry at Jessica and her friends. While with Angela she felt peaceful and gratitude. With us she was in awe and scared? With Rosalie it was a mixture of things such as confusion, amazement, protective, even scared. The most emotion is for Rosalie. The rest of her emotions are unconcerned and detached. Like she can't feel anything else for other people." Rosalie smirked at this. She said, "It seems I have a protective mate. That shall be interesting. I hope Carlisle talks to her father soon." Everyone laughed at her almost smitten look. Edward broke their laughter up by saying" I can't read her." Alice replies" What do you mean?" "I mean that her mind is blank to me. I can't read her thoughts. I'm afraid she is starting to show signs of her changing." With that everyone was silent until the bell rang for the ending of lunch.

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