Chapter 3

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Blare! Blare! Blare! Ruffled black hair groggily popped out from underneath silk covers. Bella's forest eyes wearily turned to the noisy alarm on her phone. Her pale hands aggressively thumbed the yellow dismiss button. A sigh released itself from her throat in frustration. 

"Another fucking restless night eh?", she grumbled while moving from the bed. 

As much as the dark-haired girl wanted to try to get more sleep. She knew that it would do no good. Besides, there were too many things that needed to be done before school started tomorrow. Not that Bella was in any hurry to go to that wretched place of puberty, fading lust, and degrading brain cells. As far as she was concerned, she was there to graduate and go to college and nothing more. People-- no teenagers-- were irritating and took time to figure out. Time that she did not want to give. Not to mention she had bigger things to worry about. Like the beautiful women of destruction popping up in her dreams. Not to mention her lack of emotional capacity. 

"But hey! One thing at a time right?", she huffed as she brushed her hair from her face. 

After showering and making herself presentable she mentally checked off the things she needed to do. First, she needed clothes for the cold and dreary weather of forks. Arizona was always hot and dry so none of the attire she packed was going to cut it. Huffing again she roughly placed her hair in a ponytail. That was the other thing. She needed a haircut. Usually, the jet-black hair was always carelessly pushed back or pinned up, but it was time for a change. 


Looking in the mirror a wolfish grin spread across the face of Bella Swan. Her hands kept rubbing through her new haircut in satisfaction. Her shadowy hair now curled around her ears and over the top of her forehead but faded in stubs at the nape of her neck. It gave her a boyish charm that could not quite overcome her feminine beauty. Making her pull off a look that was wholly Bella. Giving one last look at her shorter hair she turned to the flamboyant hairdresser and tipped him well before leaving. 

A black jeep greeted her outside--a welcoming present from Charlie earlier that morning-- waiting for the warmth of her touch. Bags sat tucked on the back of the truck's brown leather seats. After much debate, she decided to get her winter shopping done early to avoid the crowds of people. She still could remember the awestruck faces of the employees who checked her out. One girl even slipped a coupon in her bag with her phone number attached. Not that Bella would ever call. The last thing she needed was a messy relationship because she couldn't love them.


Irina was silent as her sister and coven leader drove them to Forks, Washington. She was not looking forward to it. She would miss the Alaskan snow, the smell of wood leaking from the cabin, and the ambers from the fire in their living room. She loved their vegetarian cousins and was happy that Rosalie had found her mate. However, privacy was nothing but an idea in the world of the Cullens. Thoughts were all but read if misunderstood, emotions were not free with an empath, and fate became an instrument in the hands of Alice. They were wonderful people but she loved her peace of mind and will. Something that she felt she lacked when her cousins were involved. She just hoped that this new-found mate would be more lovely like Rosalie than the others if this stay was to be tolerable. 

Her snowy white hair fell across her shoulders as she leaned her head against the window. An unneeded sigh was about to make its way from her dead chest when a caramel hand cupped her own in sympathy. Her golden eyes softened as they turned to her Spanish companion.

"Do not fret Irina. I understand your melancholy but this is a joyous moment for our dear friend Rosalie. She has spent decades roaming this earth with anger thrumming through her fangs and loathing aimed at her beauty. It is high time she finds some reprieve from the loneliness of immortality. Just as you and I have found in each other", Carmen softly spoke to her beloved. 

Her golden brown hands caressed the pale face of her milky-haired lover. A giddy smile encroached on the frown that had been covering Irina's face. 

"As always you are right my love", she replied as she leaned against the shorter woman's shoulder instead of the cold window. 

Tanya and Kate smirked at each other in amusement. Their sister was always quiet and moody. She rarely liked to leave the house unless Carmen was involved and reveled in her solitude. Carmen was the cure to her sourness and more often than not quickly reassured her or advised her of the situation. One word of advice from her and Irina becomes completely content. Thank god for that because the last thing they need is drama when visiting the Cullens. 

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