Chapter 8

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Going into my house I heard nothing except my own heartbeat and my blood rushing through my ears. When I turned to the kitchen Charlie was just sitting there at the dining table. He wasn't eating or doing anything just staring out the side window. I know he noticed me because his head twisted back to look at me. I cleared my throat to break some of the tension. It didn't work, he still just sat still as if he was looking for a way out. Then he said " Bella we need to talk." Now I have seen enough movies to know those words never mean anything good. Instead of replying, I just took a seat across from him. He spoke again" Bella have you ever noticed something about yourself that you knew seemed wrong compared to others?" I almost lied and said no, but the seriousness of his tone told me he would know if I was lying. "Yes, ever since I can remember there is like this black hole in my heart. I rarely laugh and when I do I can't help it. As well I have been having nightmares constantly with three women starring in it. The dreams have only gotten worse since moving here. I don't give full smiles and I am disinterested in people in general. It was only recently that I found some sort of interest in what I assume are Esme's children.  So yes is the answer to your question Charlie. I feel so alone that I can't even call you dad. It's forced every time I say it." Charlie looks like he was about to cry. "Bella I know why you feel that way. Before I explain I want you to know that I just wanted your life to be normal."

  I just narrowed my eyes on him. "What is going on? Why are we even having this conversation?" He ignored my look and said" Where do I begin? We are a part of a species called ibridos. Ibridos are very peaceful and respectable. They never harmed anyone purposely and they are always loyal to their tribe. Now Ibridos can only be made if their mate was human and they wanted to turn them, or the gene was passed down through the parents. Some were strong enough to turn their human children into one of them. You see the ibridos were growing faster and faster as a whole. Some other creatures saw that as a threat to their own species. Now we can be peaceful, but when threatened we can be very dangerous. When some shifters and the old volturi decided they wanted a war against us. We retaliated in full force. They couldn't put us down as they had originally thought. So they began to kidnap the weaker of our group to trap us such as mates and children. Many Ibridos died in those times. We went into hiding, soon enough the previous volturi rulers were overthrown and killed. The shifters who killed our children and mates were disowned from their tribes for there treacherous crimes. With them not being able to live forever they died out. Still we never recovered in our numbers and stayed out of the way. The world kept on evolving.

We learned to blend in and still keep our traditions. We had to be very secretive and now days it takes a Ibrido to find an Ibrido unless you have formed some type of bond. Now that is the history part. Her comes the other part so bare with me." He looks to me for confirmation. I nod my head as my reply, but in my head I am very angry. "Ibridos won't ever feel or make bonds until they find either their mate or their family. Meaning you will always feel empty. Now if an Ibrido has purple eyes or they start feeling quickly after being near their mate. They will only have one mate. If the Ibrido has grey eyes and reacts slowly after being near their mate. They will have more than one mate as well it means they are more powerful. With you I couldn't tell if you were an Ibrido or not because of that mutation. I knew you could have been one due to me being one and your mother too. I brushed it off because I wanted you to live normally. You just cannot survive without your mates."

I said" How do you know I have more than one mate?" "I know because you didn't react to Rosalie your mate first. You reacted to her mother Esme first. Your reacting slowly Bella. From what I have heard today I think your anger will be the first to appear and cause your change. Even now your not saying anything, but your face is scrunched and your mouth has formed a snarl. By slow reactions I mean you probably will transform by the end of the week. A fast reaction happens in a day or two. "

I growled out" Let me get this straight. You lied to me about my heritage and have left me feeling this way because of your own selfish needs. Not to mention you said nothing the years I was hear with those dreams. Rosalie was in my dreams with fangs along with two other women. When I ask this question please do answer. Is Rosalie a vampire along with their family?"  "Yes" Huffing I just stood up and headed upstairs."I need time to process this, please just leave me alone."

With that I wondered how my first day of school just went so wrong.

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