Chapter 10

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As soon as I pulled into the the school, the Cullens were staring at me. Puffing I made my way toward them. I saw everyone watching me, rolling my eyes I walked towards Rosalie and held out my arm. "Hello Rose, would you like to walk together?" She stared at me in hesitation then hooked her arm with mine. We walked into the building together with her family following us. "Where is your locker Rose?" She pointed forward. I almost laughed, her locker was three lockers down from mine. Once we made it there I whipped around and grabbed my things out of my locker. "When did you become friends with the freaks?'' Turning I saw Jessica and Lauren waiting on a response. I calmly stated "I'm not friends with you." Then I walked away leaving them stunned. Strolling towards Rosalie I held out my arm and walked her to class. I learned that I did have morning class with Emmett. He invited me to sit beside him in the back. He said" What's some of your interest?" I responded"I like many things, but since I will be living with you guys for a week. I guess you'll just have to find out." We continued talking some more before the class started. When the class did end we went our separate ways.

  To my disappointment, gym was next and lets just say it didn't go well. It started off fine when I noticed Alice was in this class. She skipped over to with all smiles. "We are going to be the best of friends."  I of course just give a small smile in acknowledgement. Then when were playing basketball Jessica tackled me to the floor. At first I thought it was an accident, but her and Lauren continued to tackle me anytime I had the ball. When Lauren was about to do it again I saw her coming. Instead I swiftly twirled around making her fall to the floor. With a smirk I helped her up, but while doing so I whispered" Tackle me again and I will hurt you for real." Nobody heard me but her, when I looked up Alice was smirking at me like she knew. Freaking vampires. Ha, who have thought i would ever think that. I walked toward her when the bell rang. We strolled out together. On our way out she whispered"Smooth Bella, just smooth" We headed to lunch where she told me all the places they needed to shop together. Rosalie and the others rolled in minutes after us. Jasper sat on the other side of Alice, Rosalie sat next to me, and Emmett and Edward sat next to her.

Rose put played with my fingers while I talked to Alice. It was the most peaceful I had ever been. Like everything good in my life something or someone has to ruin it. Mike tried to swagger his way over only to look like he was limping. "Hey Isabella, I was just wondering if you wanted to go to the movies later or something?" I could see Rose sneering at him beside me so I rubbed my thumb over her hands. She gave me a small smile. Turning to look at Mike I said coolly "I would rather shoot myself and die than go out with you. Your childish, rude, and disgusting. I have tried being nice, but this is ridiculous. Harassing me with sexual advances as well calling me Isabella when I told you I don't like it. If you keep this up I will report this to the principal and have you suspended for misconduct. Good day Mike." His face contorted into rage."You think your really something sitting with the Cullens, but your not. Matter of fact you should be happy that I even considered you. I have girls begging to get with me.", he said smugly. Removing myself from my seat I stood before him. "Do you think I give a rats ass about you? If you do you are sorely mistaken. I don't date pigs, matter of fact I don't date at all especially with your kind. You make me sick to the point I want to punch you. Talk to me again or spit out this families name again and see what happens."

When everyone got quiet he gulped, but I could see in his eyes he was going to try something. When I turned my back to sit I was prepared. The moment he touched my arm, I swung back my elbow hitting in the nose. Then I kneed him in the groin following two punches to the face. Whipping the blood from my hands I stood and walked out the cafeteria. I could hear them talking about how I was not to be messed with. I would later find out Jasper had left to go hunting due to the blood.

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