Chapter 24

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Bella was thrown on the bed. Catching herself she sat up in enough time to find her mate staring at her with black eyes. There was some internal battle going on inside the blond. Rosalie had never expected to find a mate of such rarity and confusion. First it was learning that she was of a different species, then it was the multiple mates, and now it seemed her mate had some type of dominant side. It was too much for her poor dead heart to take and not very good for her sexual appetite. At least not right now.

 Bella on the other hand was stuck on how she was supposed to feel. Here she was being bombarded with these feelings that she had never had to deal with. No less the fact that she couldn't feel them. Now things had changed. Protection and dominance roared through her making her want to act out in a variety of ways. However, there was also the issue of the Volturi. This great vampiric government that could be a threat if the Denali's and Cullen were anything to go by. At the same time this was a necessity according to the dragon. One that must be fulfilled if she wanted answers. For now, she was in a room with her mate all by their lonesome.

Rosalie had finally snapped out of her mental monologue. "How does it feel to have three mates hanging off your arm?" 

At that Bella leaned forward from her position on the bed. "If you are trying to bait me into acting like an arrogant jerk who wants trophies. I suggest that you stop. Am i happy to have met three mates so soon. Of course I am but that does not mean I am going to treat anyone more or less than the other. Nor does it mean I am going to walk around as if I am god myself. You seem to forget that this is as much new to me as it you. If anything, I say that you hold the advantage in this world of mystery and impossibilities. While I am blubbering along with outburst until things finally click into place."

 The blonde's eyes has finally receded to their color of golden yellow. Taking an unnecessary breath she apologized. "I'm sorry. I didn't think about the fact that you're going through a lot too. Sometimes it is easy to forget and lose myself because you just seem so calm and ready to take on the world."

 Bella sighs, "I have always been that way because for the things I don't say, I think. I think and think but now my mind and body is shared by another entity. Soon more sides of me will come into play. Honesty, this..this feeling of dread. Yes that's the word. This feeling of dread builds in the pit of my stomach. My years of solitude of emptiness was hard and at times a barrier. I also knew who I was and what to expect, but now it feels as if I am back to square one. Wondering who I am or better yet what I am. I need you to guide me and be understanding."

 The vampire walked and sat beside the brunette. "I will be all that you need me to be and more. Just as you will be there for me and more. I guess that Carmen and Irina will be there too."She rolled her eyes at the end in faux exasperation.

 "Be nice", Bella replied jokingly. Rosalie was going to say more before a knock came from the door. "You can come in." Peeking through the door, Carmen's dark hair popped up before quickly rushing in. Irina not to far behind looking less lustful and more thoughtful .

 "We heard and we just wanted to say that we want what is best for Bella too. If that means we have to share then so be it. I have waited hundreds of years for my mate and Irina even more. To have you is a blessing, just one with surprises", Carmen chuckled like chimes swaying in the wind. 

Bella's face quirked up into a smile. "I look forward to our future and the unknown path ahead. I hope that I can live up to your expectations of me." 

Carmen's golden eyes twinkled with delight at such words conveying her affection within. Irina on the other hand was timid as if she expected the tall brunette to grab her and shake her. Something that did not go unnoticed by the others.

 "Irina please look at me." Bella softly tried to get her attention. Hesitantly, the blonde Denali looked into kind eyes of Bella. " I did not mean to come off as so harsh, but the dragon ins-no the person I am becoming takes answers from no one. I have always been quiet but strong. Not seeking trouble but not backing down when it comes to me. In saying that I feel as if that part of me has gotten magnified. Like I'm-" 

Rosalie cut in "Dominant. You are dominant, which could be because you are more in tune with you beastly side. Many vampires both human and animal hunters alike can either be one or separate. If they are one with their vampire and human rationality then they understand their "place" so to speak amongst mates or peers. If they are unbalanced, letting one have more control over the other then they become unaware, which can leave them vulnerable."

 Bella stared at Rosalie while Carmen nodded along. Irina just seemed confused, "If that is true why am I submitting? I am dominant by nature." Carmen spoke this time, "Yes you are, but to your mate she outweighs you. She is more dominant in nature, which means she outranks your beast. In other words she is the Alpha of us. I am surprised you did not realize early on."  

Watching her mates, Bella could only think, "Not even a week and more and more just keeps on throwing me off." Mentally shrugging it off she returned to the present to find her mates staring at her expectantly. "What?" 

Taking an unnecessary sigh Rosalie returned to sit beside Bella. "We were wondering when you wanted to head to the Volturi?" 

 Looking at her Rosalie, then Carmen, and Irina, "I want to see them as soon as possible. The way the dragon spoke made me feel as though it is urgent that I get there and soon." 

Sharing worried glances Rosalie finally replied, "Okay, I will talk to Carlisle to get everything set up." As she left the room, the other two came to sit beside her. Wrapping her arm around them both she pulled them to lay beside her. With a great sigh she whispered, "I truly hope I'm making the right decision."

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