Chapter 22

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Rachel's POV

My head hurt like a bitch, and my whole body ached. However, I couldn't ignore the smell that surrounded me, of smoke, wood and freshly cut grass. Xavier. I slowly peeled my eyes open to see the room that I was in. It was stunning, I was surrounded by soft black sheets, the carpet was a light cream, and I imagined it felt like clouds if you walked on it. The walls were a bright white, apart from the wall that the headboard was against, that was a deep navy, it really was such a beautiful colour. I saw there was one door right in front of me, it was white and matched the walls, however the doorframe matched the navy of the feature wall. It was slightly open and I saw that it was a walk in wardrobe, however the lights in there were off so it was hard to see what it looked it. Rolling over in the heavenly sheets I saw that there was another door across the room, matching the door of the walk in wardrobe. But this one was shut, and as my eyes woke up and tuned into my surrounding I heard the sound of running water. Bathroom. I concluded.

The water then shut off, and panic flooded me. I decided the best option was for me to act as if I was asleep, it would avoid any awkward conversations with whoever was in the shower. Then memories of last night came back to me. Ah. It was Xavier in the shower. That explains the smell, I thought to myself, and then immediately face palmed at how dumb I had just been. "Morning angel" I hear Xavier chuckle.

Embarrassment immediately caused a blush to form on my cheeks as I rolled over to the bathroom door and opened my eyes, again. "Oh, hi" I squeaked out. Jesus Christ this guy is a chiselled GOD. His abs, all 8 of them! The water rippling down them caused my mouth to water, and the towel hanging dangerously low on his hips gave me a clear view of the V line. And his arms, oh my god his arms, they were so large, and defined, my mind went to grabbing them, holding them, them holding me.

"Staring is rude you know" he said as he walked over to the walk in wardrobe. Oh god, I'd been caught. Ground just open up and swallow me now, please.

"I wasn't staring."

"Lying is also rude!" Xavier called out from the closet, however he then emerged in black suit trousers and a white shirt, although the shirt was unbuttoned which meant his glorious abs were still in view. "It's alright, I've caught you looking from your bedroom window, so you might as well look up close in person." He was now straight up laughing, and I somehow managed to get even more embarrassed. I brought the duvet up over my head, trying to hide myself away so that the embarrassment would stop. However I then felt a dip in the bed, and the covers got ripped from my grip. "Angel don't be embarrassed, how are you feeling? A doctor should be here shortly for you."

"I'm fine." I tried to say convincingly, but in reality it felt like my whole body was on fire.

"Angel..." Xavier warned.

"I'm. Fine." I said, this time staring straight into his eyes, somehow getting the confidence to stand my ground. It seemed to work because Xavier went back to the mirror to get dressed.

"The doctor will still be coming, you came out of a coma less than 24 hours ago, you are not fine." Xavier said, making eye contact with me in the mirror as he did. "I'm going to be going out for a bit, but I shouldn't be long, Tom and Simon are outside though if you need anything, oh and I'll let Mr Scott know where you are, don't worry about anything. Just focus on getting better." And with that he left the room, but not without winking at me before he shut the door. Wtf?

Suddenly my situation hit me full force, I'm in Xavier's room, in Xavier's bed, in Xavier's house. Except, nothing seemed right. The size of this room was about the size of the upstairs of the house, he lived with his mother and sister, where on earth did they sleep? It also looked nothing like the room I'd seen through his window. I am officially confused. However this caused me more stress, if I wasn't in Xavier's house, where on earth was I? I decided I needed to try and move but as I attempted to sit up agony soared through me, and this caused i scream to come up from the back of my throat. "Ma'am, everything okay?" A man said, his head was pocking around the door, but I noticed he was dressed in all black like the men in the hospital, he was as big as them too, except this time he wasn't wearing sun glasses and I could see his eyes. They were brown, but warm, they seemed friendly, yet you could tell they had a dangerous side.

"Erm.. I'm fine, just twinged a muscle" I tried to offer a grin, but the pain was still in bearable.

"I'll hurry the doctor up-"

"No! Sorry, please no, in fact please stop him from coming. He'll just call the police.. And I can't have police.." I trailed off, hoping this man would understand.

However, the man only chuckled and relied with "Oh don't worry, there won't be any police Miss Amber"

"Rachel, please"

"Rachel." The man said with a slight smile and then left. But he just made the whole situation more complicated, where on earth am I, and who are these men?

The doctor came shortly after, told me what I already knew. Few broken bones, internal damage, and a fuck tonne of bruises. His advice was rest, and minimal stress. However both of those things were hard to come by in my life, in fact I can't remember the last time I had both.

Xavier's 'not long' turned out to be all day, so I decided that this was the perfect time to book my flights. I was out of here. I asked the man outside to get my phone or laptop, however he said that they had neither, but he insisted that I would have a new phone and laptop within the hour. I had no clue how I was going to pay Xavier back for all this. My medical bills were going to be through the roof, and I doubt I'd even be able to afford to live in New York now. That only meant that I'd have to continue fighting there, my dream was broken, but it didn't change the fact that I had to leave.

The man outside wasn't wrong, 40 minutes later I was sat in the bed with a brand new iPhone and Mac laptop. I'm definitely going to have to have words with Xavier when I see him again, I really cannot afford these. However, after an hour of setting them up and looking at flights, I had one booked. Exactly a week away, leaving at 4am. I figured it would be the quietest one to get, both on the plane but also in the airport. Reduce the risk of running into one of Will or Lynda's 'associates'.

One week. One week until I was free.

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