Chapter 27

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6 Months Later
Amelia's POV
Thinking back to what my life had been is always a surreal thought for me. Finally, I have escaped it. I have a newfound confidence in myself, and finally have people around me that I trust. One being a girl named Poppy, she is sweet, kind, and as soon as I got my job at the small coffee shop round the corner, she had taken me under her wing. To me, she felt like the sister I'd never had. However, although I was so happy and content in this new life of mine, there has always been this thought in the back of my mind, not that I will get found by Will or Lynda, they're too dumb to search for an new name, but Xavier, Faith, and fuck even Derek, Jack and Archie. I still feel awful for leaving Xavier so soon, as even though a few men out here had tried to give me their number, I still couldn't get over the tall, tanned Greek-god in my mind. I had thought about creating some social media accounts to try and find them, however that did then run the risk of anyone from my old life seeing me, and then finding me. It was a risk I wasn't willing to take.

The sound of the door to the café opening snapped me out of my thoughts. Joe's coffee shop had become a saviour for me, it was where I met Poppy, and the wages from here had allowed me to move out of  Howard's flat. Before moving here I was worried that Howard would spill my secrets, that he would fuck me over or somehow treat me worse than Will. However I couldn't have been further from the truth, similar to his brother back in the UK, he treated me like his own daughter, and made sure when I fought I was protected. He had made it clear that I could continue to stay with him for as long as I wanted, however his flat was only small, and I was determined to get my own space.

"Excuse me? Are you here to serve or just to waste people's time?" Oh shit, the door, there's a customer in front of me!

"Oh! Sir, I am so sorry! Would you mind repeating your order again please?" Shit, shit, shit.

"Large cappuccino, extra shot, extra warm, to go" He said, as I looked up I was met with dark brown eyes. If I had never have met Xavier, I probably would've said that he is the most handsome man to exist, however, even in his suite he had nothing on the man I had left on the other side of America.

"Er-yes, sir, of course." I started to make his drink, first heating the milk for the first time, then creating the two shots of espresso. Once the milk had finished heating, I steamed it again, as somehow, customers thought that it got hotter (it never does, each cappuccino is the same temperature, but hey customer knows best right?). As I waited for the milk to heat again, I turned around to talk to the hot dickhead. "$3.45 please". Hot dickhead decided that instead of being a decent human being and passing his cash to me, he would instead chuck it toward my general direction on the counter. I had to seriously bite my tongue to stop me slipping out a sarcastic comment. People like him were the only bad part of the job. Once the milk had finished heating for a pointless second time I poured his cappuccino. Securing the lid I passed it to him, grateful for him to finally leave. Only he decided that it would be a great idea to take the first sip while looking directly at me, what a fucking weirdo.

"Hmmm, could be better, but could also definitely be worse" And with that he stalked out. Thank fuck that was over.

Xavier's POV
6 Months. 6 fucking months. How were we still unable to find her. For the first two months we had focussed on the name Rachel Ambers, however, after nothing came up in the first two months we focussed on any girl looking like her. Archie had managed to access security cameras in most major cities and states, but there were way too many young girls with light brown hair walking about. Rachel Ambers had become invisible. However, I had taken a gamble that the Rachel I knew would never give up her fighting career. So I had been going to the warehouse more, and listening to the conversation spectators were having. It really is amazing how much information you can bather just from eavesdropping. From this I had managed to get a few fighter names that were causing a spur, 5 in total; Panther, Death Giver (probably a man who had the maturity of a 12 year old), Queen, Knockout Knight, and Bobby Rock. The only person who I had seen fight so far was Bobby Rock, real name Simon Pebble (no wonder he changed his fighter name to Rock). Even though he obviously was not the stunning young woman I was looking for, they could all still be very useful for my business. I had enough money to give them contracts that they could not say no to, and even if they did say no, Archie had managed to dig up interesting secrets on most of them.

I was now on my way to New York to see both Death Giver, and Queen. My money is on Panther being Rachel, however Panther was located in Chicago, and I had to sort some issues with the gangs there before I could step foot on Chicago turf without World War 3 breaking out. So Panther was going to have to wait. I am hoping that if Queen is good that she will accept the contract, as she is one of the few we were unable to find secrets about. That is of course, if she isn't Rachel herself.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 07, 2021 ⏰

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