Chapter 17

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I'm dreading going to school today. I know I won't be able to hide away from Xavier for forever, but I really don't want to answer his questions today. Dragging myself out of bed I get ready for the day, choosing a hoodie to wear, hoping that the hood can keep me hidden away from Xavier's eyes. It also helps to cover the bruises from last night, I'd taken more of a beating than I thought, especially with the fiasco with the druggie, the cut is still very much visible unfortunately. 

Grabbing my stuff I rush out the door before Will and Linda can even wake up from their drunken slumber. I haven't ran into either of them that much recently, which although I am grateful for now, I know it means that when I do eventually get a beating, it'll be one of the worst ones yet, and I'm just hoping I'll survive it. I eventually reach the school gates, I'm early as always but I don't mind as I take my book out of my bag and sit under the large oak tree on the side of the school grounds. This right here is my little bit of piece, my oasis. Right here I forget about my issues at home, I forget about Xavier and is prying eyes, I forget about everything that has gone wrong in my life. This right here is my favourite part of the day.

I'm broken out of my paradise by the gradual sound of chatter as people arrive. I look up and immediately see Xavier's car park up. Knowing that this is my cue to leave I grab my things and head towards my locker to get my things sorted before Xavier and his friends can step into the building. Today more than any day, I have to stay one step ahead of Xavier. I still find it weird to this day that Americans carry their books around in their arms, I'd never really used my locker back in England, but here it's essential. 

The day so far was going how I'd planned it to, this morning I'd managed to stay one step ahead of Xavier. I'd managed to get to classes before him that we shared, and I left the room before he'd even finished packing his things up. Now it was lunch, and I knew this would be the hardest part. My plan was to grab food quickly from the cafeteria and then return back to my paradise under the tree. But when did anything in my life go to plan?

Just as I was about to reach the cafeteria doors I felt a hand grab my wrist and pull me to the side. My mind immediately went back to the years of abuse that started like this, a simply grab, but one that shook my body to the core. My eyes immediately meet Xavier's bright blue ones, but I rip my arm from his grasp, as I struggle to keep my racing heartbeat under control. "Rachel, we need to talk." My immediate reaction to Xavier's words was 'I think the fuck we do not', but I knew he wouldn't take that for an answer.

"Oh.. I don't really know what there is to talk about." I'm honestly at a loss for words, what does he expect me to say? I told him to leave me alone, I wish he would just listen.

"This classroom is empty, come on." Xavier weaves his fingers though mine as he leads me into the room. I look around the hallway to make sure no one is watching us, but luckily everyone is too caught up in their own mini dramas to really care about us. I feel the heat of Xavier's hand spread up my arm, and it feel amazing. The feeling of his rough skin against mine makes me feel weirdly safe, and I don't want him to let go. But as soon as we both step in, my hand slips from his. "Angel, you seem to constantly be surprising me. Why won't you just tell me what's going on?" He leans against a desk in the front row, and I watch as the muscles in his arms flex and release.. God that's hot..

"I-it's just not that easy.." I murmur, hoping he can just get the hint and leave it.

"Rach, angel, I know you must have a pretty complicated life, no one's is simple, but I want to get to know you, I want to listen to you."

"I can't Xavier. I can't tell you anything, so please just stop trying"

"You're one hell of a fighter"

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