Chapter 10

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Rachel's POV

After the events that happened a few minutes ago, I quickly came to the place where I usually have my lunch. It's under this big oak tree at the far end of the school's campus, hardly anyone comes here so its quiet and peaceful. My mind was full of thoughts and feelings, I really needed to be alone right now. I hoped I would be but of course Xavier had to follow me out. "Rachel we need to talk" Oh god....

"No we don't Xavier."

"Stop, yes we do. Where did you get those bruises and marks from Rachel?" He asks, coming up to me and staring into my eyes. Suddenly what he asked me registered in my mind, shit! If he finds out what actually happened Will and Linda will kill me, I'm being serious they said they would a few years ago.


"Did I say you could talk, bitch?!" father screamed at me, how was my 10 year old self meant to know  that you had to ask to eat? Well I knew now, Will flipped as soon as he saw me eating, but I was starving as I hadn't eaten all day and it was 6pm-

"Ooomph" Will threw me to the ground, my head hitting the sharp kitchen counter on the way, blood started to trickle down my face mixed with salty tears.

"Do you not have ANY respect?!" Another hit.

"Who earns the fucking money here" Another kick.

"Greedy bitch" Another hit.

"When will you learn any manners?!" The final hit until everything went black.

I woke up to mind Will in my face looking into my eyes, "if you dare tell anyone about what happens it will be a lot worse than just a beating" Then I let my body give out and everything went black again.


I open my eyes to find Xavier looking at me with wide eyes. Shit.

"Rachel tell me what the fuck is going on" Xavier says grabbing both of my shoulders with his hands.

"No Xavier, just leave me alone... Please" I whisper back, all confidence in me gone.

"If someone is hurting you tell me-"


"Fine I will, but don't come running to me when you need help." With that his walks off, leaving me with my own thoughts. Only a few more months, I tell myself, then I can get out and forget this ever happened. However that annoying little voice in the back of my head says 'but you'll never forget, you have the scars for the rest of your life, and those nightmares aren't going to go away any time soon', and its right, I can never forget what has happened.

I sit down against the tree behind me and put my head in my hands. Before I knew it I heard the school bell ring and saw students come out though the doors. I guess I had been there for longer than I thought. I stood up, grabbed my things and started to walk back to hell, aka home. On the walk back I thought about Xavier and what happened today. I need to make him stay away from me, otherwise both of us could get hurt and he doesn't deserve that. But how? I ask myself, to be honest, I don't know, he's so hard to ignore but I don't have the guts to say anything so hurtful that will make him hate me. Lets just hope he gets tired of running around and worrying about a stupid bitch like myself, everyone else has.

When I get home I see that no one is home yet but there is a note on the kitchen counter. I'm so confused, why is a note left?

Me and your father have left for a short trip, we will be back in a few days. If we find out that you have done anything a beating will be the last of your worries. Here's $5 for food.

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