Chapter 3

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Rachel's POV

I carefully slipped away from Xavier and walked towards the reception. Lets get this new timetable.

I walk in and see a middle-aged woman with dead straight blonde hair sitting behind a desk typing away at a computer with perfectly painted black nails. "Um.. Hi sorry...I'm new here, I um came to get my timetable?" I say nervously, getting her attention.

"Ah... Yes, what's your name darlin'?" She replies in a sweet and comforting voice.

"Rachel Ambers, miss"

"Oh please call me Susan" She says getting up from her chair to collect my things. "Okay, so here is you timetable, some paperwork for your parents and a diary"

"Thank you Susan."

"No problem darlin'."

With that I walk out of the reception door and down the hall, while looking at my timetable for today:

4.Social Studies


5.U.S History

God, this is so different to my one in England, seriously Calculus?! Social Studies?! U.S HISTORY?! I'm going to fail that, I was rubbish at history back home, let alone here. Oh God I'm going to fail everything and not graduate, I won't be able to get a job, I wont be able to move out from hell, they will beat me until I die, or I will die on the streets, or-

"Hi!" My ramble gets cut of my a very excitable voice.

"My name is Faith, you look new, what's your name?!" this 'Faith' says very excitable and very fast, like seriously is it humanly possible to speak that fast?


"Faith, c'mon leave the poor girl alone" Says another voice but a male one this time. I look over Faith's shoulder to see Xavier and 3 other boys. Why can't they just leave me alone?! If dad and Lynda find out about this I don't think I will be able to walk after the beating. Oh well, just got to get through today and then find a new gym.

"But Arrrccchhhiiiiiieeee...."

"Faiiiittttthhhhhhh. Leave the poor girl alone babe" Okay seriously what is going on?!

Faith lets out a frustrated sigh.

"Ah, I see you have met Faith, Archie's girlfriend. This is Jack and Derek. Boys this is.." He trails off, and I realise that I never actually told him my name.

"Rachel" I say, with a shy smile. Everyone replies hi back.

"Anyway Xavier, me and Faith here need to get to Latin so we will see you at lunch, you too Rachel nice meeting you" Archie says and then walks off with Faith. Great. What am I going to do now?

"What do have first?" Xavier asks me.

I check the timetable in my hand, "Um, English"

"I'll walk you there, see ya' later Jack and Derek" Xavier shouts down the hall to the pair of boys walking away from us.

"See ya' later, lover boy" Jack and Derek tease, but Xavier just gives them the finger.

After about 5 minutes of walking through identical corridors and up stairs me and Xavier finally arrive at my English class.

"I'll wait for you after class, if I am not here when you come out wait here, okay?" Xavier says, I nod in response. And with that I go into my English class.


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