Chapter 11

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Rachel's POV

On the way back from the fight I stopped off at a supermarket and grabbed some food for dinner. Before I knew it, it was 12pm and my eyes were struggling to stay open so I decided to go to sleep.

Bzzz bzzzzz

Bzzzz bzzzz

Bzzzz bzzzz

I force my eyes to open to see that my phone is having a fit beside me, who is texting me?

Unknown Number:
Hey X

Are you awake? X

Mum wants you and your family to come round mine today X

Are you free at 4pm today? X

Wait are you getting these? X

Who is this?

Unknown Number:
Oh sorry, it's Xavier

How on earth did Xavier get my number? Also, why is he asking me to come round his tonight?

So you coming over tonight? X

Oh I don't know, my parents are out right now, but they should be back later

Ok, text me when they get back then yeah?

Oh, um ok sure

Well I guess I'm going round to Xavier's tonight then, at least I'll get a decent meal tonight. Although no doubt I will be beaten when I get home as I will probably do something wrong...

7 hours later:

I hear the front door unlock and open, I guess my peace for now is over, time to start covering up cuts and bruises again. I hear my name called from downstairs so I make my way down there as quickly as possible, I learnt the hard way that I can't take my time with things at home. When I reach the bottom of the stairs Lynda tells me that we are going over to the Knight's house in an hour, I guess Xavier's mum must've told them as well. Before I get hit I go upstairs to get ready, Lynda said that I should look nice so I don't disappoint them like I normally do, although I'm sure something that I do wont be good enough.

As we walked over the road to Xavier's I get my arm pulled back and my step mums claws of nails dug into me, nearly drawing blood. "You'd better behave tonight bitch." The stench of her breath almost making me puke from the amount of alcohol and drugs she takes.

"Yes I will" I replied hastily, well I don't really have much of a choice, it's either misbehave and probably get killed or stay quiet and live to see another sunrise.

As we got close to the front door my palms began to sweat, do I look okay? What about my hair? Oh god my breath, wait did I brush my teeth? Yes of course I did you idiot. Okay, now I'm just talking to myself, I'll stop. Before I know it we are at the front door and I see a silhouette of a person walking towards the door to answer it. The door slowly edged open and I saw a middle aged women standing by the door with a gleaming smile on her face, her pearly white teeth sparkling in the evening sunlight. She had long brown hair that was tied up in a messy bun, there were some grey strands but as her face was perfect and had no wrinkles on it she could've easily been in her 30's. She was wearing a navy dress that went to just below her knees, the top layer of the dress was navy netting that has navy roses sewn into it around the bottom of the dress and on the shoulders. Around her stomach she had tied a small bow in blue ribbon, the dress went out below the ribbon. With it she wore plain nude heals and a pair of pearl earrings. "Welcome dears! Please come in!"

"Mummyyyyyyyyyy!" Suddenly a little girl comes storming out. Her hair was in pigtails with little pink bows at the end, her dress was similar to her mums but in pink, obviously, she had little pink ballet pumps on and a small amount of baby pink lip gloss on. She jumped into her mothers arms and nestled her head into her mothers shoulders.

"Xavier I thought I told you to keep her in the living room until dinner was ready!"

"Sorry mum, she gave me her puppy eyes, you know that no one can say no to them!" A deep voice said from behind a door at the end of the hallway, the door then opened and Xavier appeared. His hair was in his normal mess, yet it somehow always looked amazing and each strand being perfectly placed. His hazel eyes immediately made their way to mine and it felt as if we were staring at each other for a lifetime even though it was probably only a few seconds.

"This is my son Xavier and my daughter Lilly, guys meet the Ambers from across the road. I believe you and Rachel already know each other Xavier, right?"

"Uh, yeah" He replies.

The voice of my nightmares spoke up behind me "Well my name is Will, this is my wife Lynda"

"Nice meeting you both, Xavier why don't you take Rachel into the living room with you and Lilly?"

"Yeah okay sure"

I followed Xavier into their living room as Lilly squeezed past me to get in first, desperate to play. Their living room was a typical family room, they had a fire in the middle with sofas surrounding it, in the middle of the room they has a rug that currently had dolls and other toys on which were spread all over, pillows and blankets covered the sofas which made them look so comfortable and welcoming.


"Don't Xavier" I warn

"I haven't even said anything!"

"Oh come on I know what you're going to say and I don't want to talk about it" He starts to walk over to me.

"You can tell me anything you know that right?" He says as he tucks a strand of my hair behind my ear, but of course my dumb reaction is to flinch and to push him away. As I pushed him away my clumsy self also tripped on the rug and we both went flying towards the couch. We stopped about a millimetre away from each other and we yet again stared into each others eyes.

"I could get used to this" he says, breaking the silence.

"If you still want your balls then you'll shut up"

"Raaccheellllllllll play with meeeeeeee" Lilly shouts from the floor.

"Okay hunny" I roll of Xavier, 'accidently' kicking him in the balls. Whoops?

After about 20 minutes we get called into the dining room for dinner, as soon as I enter the room I get glared at by my parents, I'm guessing they could probably hear me in the living room. Shit. Xavier's mum brings out all of the food, my mouth immediately starts to water at the sight of it. I haven't had food this good since my mum died. I piled my plate up, taking advantage of being able to eat this much, but about 10 minutes in I felt a sharp jab in my leg from Lynda sitting next to me. When I looked over at her I could've sworn her eyes turned red from anger so I stopped eating immediately, even though I had barely touched my food. Xavier and his mum tried to get me to eat more but no matter how much I wanted to, if I wanted to see another day I knew I had to say no. This really isn't helping the fact that Xavier is already suspicious.

After dinner Xavier's mum brought out a whole range of desserts from lemon tart to a triple chocolate cake, all of which looked and smelt equally amazing, but like always I couldn't eat any. After everyone had had dessert we decided to go home. I think Will and Lynda could see that I was having fun, so of course they had to stop it, I'm probably going to get a beating when I get home, but they cant do it that badly as I have school tomorrow.

As we were walking out of the house I saw Xavier standing in the doorway of his front door. I'm scared of what he knows and what he thinks I'm going through. I'm going to have to end this before it gets too far.


Next chapter will be soon!

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