Chapter 8

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"...FUCK?!" I heard someone shout. Huh?

"WILL YOU JUST SHUT UP?!?" Shouted another person. What is going on?

"WHAT DO YOU MEAN HE'S DEAD, HE CAN'T BE DEAD!" I think it was Lynda who shouted that. Wait, who died? Suddenly the images of Xavier and that guy last night came flooding into my mind, but my dad shouting soon brought me out of it.

"What the hell do you think I mean Lynda?!? Dead. He is dead. Shot straight through the head. Get it through your thick skull, he's dead!" What was he going on about? What is happening?

"He was our only lead! What about the drugs Will!? WHAT ABOUT THE MONEY WILL?!?"

"Does it look like I know Lynda! I can't magic him up from the dead! I can't read his fucking dead mind! WHAT DO YOU EXPECT ME TO DO?!?"

"We only have a month Will until they want it!" Hold on, who wants what?


"Well sort something out Will before you get us both killed!!" Lynda screeched.

"Well you're not doing much are you? YOU'RE THE ONE FUCKING MEN EVERY NIGHT I DON'T SEE YOU DOING YOUR PART!" I then heard Lynda give a frustrated moan and I shortly heard the front door slam shut, which was then closely followed by the sound of smashing glasses, grunts and lots of cursing.

I decided to stay still in my bed as if I went downstairs now or let him hear me it would be a death wish. After what felt like a few hours I heard the front door slam again, I guess I am now home alone.

I quickly got in the shower and got ready. I ran out the door knowing that neither of my parents would be home tonight and that this would be the only time I could spend sometime outside alone. As I walked down the street I found myself walking to a park, it was creepily quiet and looked pretty run down, but it also seemed peaceful and calming. I sat down on one of the swings slowly swinging back and forth, processing everything in my mind.

Could the person Will and Lynda were talking about be the person I saw be killed. By Xavier and Derek. Because of drugs? Money? "Ugh!" I screamed aloud. I haven't even been here a month and this has already happened!

I jump off the swing and kick it behind me, sending it flying. I quickly jog home to grab my gym bag and head to the gym. I open the rusty doors that lead me to the underground fighting arena, during the day is the one time where this place is not full of men shouting and placing bets. I walk to the back and see my manager Jamie Scott.

"Hey Jamie..." I say opening up his office door, letting him know I'm here.

"Oh Rachel hey, did you want to speak to me?" He said putting down the papers he was reading.

"Oh no sorry, I was wondering if I could train?"

"Of course, I'm guessing you'll be here for a while so I will let you know when I'm leaving."

"Okay, thanks"

"No problem Rachel!" He says as I walk out of his office and towards the gym, it's normally quiet and I sometimes have the place to myself, I think today is going to be one of those days.

I get changed into a grey sports bra and black leggings, I tape up my hands and start taking out my frustration, confusion and anger on the poor punch bag. Before I knew it Jamie came up to me and took me out of my trance.

"Woah there tiger, you're gonna injure yourself if you keep going like that! What's gotten you so stressed?" He said, suddenly the images of everything these past few weeks came to mind.

"Ugh, just life Jamie.... Life..."

"Ahaha I understand you there, well look there is a fight happening a few blocks down, I could put you down if you want?" Hmmm... A fight might just help.

"Yeah okay, put me down"

"Alright, well I'm gonna head off now so here are the keys-" he said handing me a set of keys, he then shows me which locked what "-and remember to switch off the lights when you leave, and don't stay too long tiger, you need your rest for that fight!"

"Okay, thanks Jamie!"

"No problem Rachel, see you later." And with that he walked off, I heard the rusty doors slam shut and I knew that I had this place to myself for as long as I wanted. Peace and quiet, ahhhh.

At 10pm I decided I should probably go home, I thought I would be home alone as both of my parents stormed out this morning. What I did not expect is for the front door to open as I walked up to it with a furious father standing behind it.

Shit. I thought to myself. This is going to be one hell of a beating.

"WHERE THE FUCK HAVE YOU BEEN?!" He shouted at me as he dragged me by my hair into the house and slammed me on to the floor.

"I-I-I'm s-sorry I, um-"

"Spit it out bitch!" He said, pulling me up by my hair to face him. His breath stank of alcohol and cigarettes, oh just great, this is going to be x10 times worse than if he was sober.

"I-I w-went out f-for a w-walk" I stutter out.

I suddenly found a fist flying towards my face, I held the right side of my face as stars dotted my vision. His foot then collided with my stomach as I hissed out in pain. After about 10 minutes of this, which felt like forever, I stopped feeling the pain that he was causing me and stared at the blood on the walls, my blood. Before I knew it, black dots started coming into my vision, and I welcomed the darkness with wide arms.

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