Chapter 2

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Rachel POV 

Beep, beep
Beep, beep
Beep, beep
Beep, be-

"Ugh" Great. That annoying sound of my alarm clock tells me that it is 5:30am, waking up at this time should be illegal. Seriously, it's still dark outside no one should be up!

Unfortunately for me I have to get up and get ready for school, make breakfast - but not for me just for Will and Lynda (of course), clean the house  and then go to school which starts at 7:30am. 2 hours. Should be enough time.

After cleaning the house it was 6:15 so I quickly started breakfast. At 6:30 I finish cooking Will's egg on toast and Lynda's fruit salad, smoothie and toast. Silently, I go up the stairs to the bathroom, had a super quick shower and then crept to my room to get dressed. It felt weird not putting on a school uniform for school, but instead wearing my own clothes. I put on a baggy sweatshirt and some old leggings - my fashion sense is comfort over looks, I don't plan on impressing anyone anyway. I put a grey beanie on to try and hide my super frizzy hair. It was 7am when I had finished getting ready so I dashed out of the door and started my long walk to my new school.

As soon as I stepped out of the door the cold nipped at my skin, I wrapped my arms around myself trying to get some kind of warmth. I know once the sun fully rises I will be roasting.

About half of the way to school I noticed that the same boy that I saw yesterday from across the road was walking next to me.

"Er.... Hello?" I said, is he going to leave me alone? Or pester me all the way to school?

"Hey angel" OH MY GOD HIS VOICE! It's so deep and sexy- woah! Rachel what are you saying? I don't know but his is so- no he isn't! Yes he is! No! Yes! N-

"... Hello? Earth to angel?"

"Oh sorry what were you saying..." Crap I don't even know his name.

"Xavier." Ah...

"Xavier. Sorry what were you saying?"

"Well, I was asking if you are cold, your shivering." Well I'm fucking freezing but I don't want him teasing me, he will probably say I am weak and that it's not cold. So I just say 'no'.

Although of course he sees right through this and I soon find a blanket of warmth covering me. I look over at Xavier to see that he given me his grey hoodie which, by the way, smells amazing!

"Oh-er, thanks" I say

"No problem angel, you were turning blue so I knew you were cold" he chuckles, when he says this I feel a blush coming to my face.

Xavier's POV 

"No problem angel, you were turning blue so I knew you were cold" I chuckle, she turns her face away from me and I see a beautiful blush making it's way onto her cheeks.

We turn a corner and I see the school, wow the walk only seemed like 5 minutes this morning. I'm glad I decided to not take my bike and walk. I turn to say bye to her only to find her already walking to the reception, so what do I do? Follow her of course. Although I pass my mates first.

"-Dude, she was amazing" Derek exclaims, he is the biggest player out of all of us. He has dirty blonde hair that is in a messy quiff, we keep on telling him to get a haircut but he never does. He has dark, hazel eyes that all girls fall for and natural tanned skin. He is wearing his signature grey jogging bottoms and white short-sleeved t-shirt. How he is not freezing this early in the morning I do not know.

"Is this another girl?" I ask the others.

"Yeah, mate he got Susan last night" Archie replies. Archie is the smartest out of all of us, he still messes about at school but he can pick things up and remember them immediately, so he always gets good grades. He has pitch black hair that is always in a perfect quiff and he has emerald green eyes, these make him look evil but he is funniest and most welcoming person you could ever meet. He is wearing a grey long-sleeved jumper and black ripped skinny jeans.

"Isn't Susan... Well... Y'know... A bit..."

"Loud, short, creepy, dumb, scary..." Jack answers for me.

"All of the above" I reply.

Jack has light brown, wavy hair that comes just above his shoulders. He has dark blue eyes and is the musical one out of all of us. He can play every type of instrument there is and his singing voice gets girls dropping at his feet (much to Derek's dismay), but unlike Derek he isn't much of a player, of course he sleeps around a bit, but not much. Me and Jack are similar in that aspect.

"Anyway mate, who was that girl you walked in with and was she wearing your hoodie?" Derek asks

"Yeah, she was freezing, so had to give her something" I make a mental note to ask her for my hoodie back at the end of the day, she'll be sweating her ass of when we leave so I know she wont need it.

"Woah, who is this girl?" Jack asks, then it hits me, I don't know her name. Shit.

"I don't know her name but she moved in across the street from me, although her parents look a bit... Dodgy. And Derek don't go sleeping with her, she seems way too innocent for you to corrupt" I tease

"In other words you want her, I hear ya dude" Derek says.

"Pfft, no"



Lets get this Monday over with.

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