Chapter 6

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Rachel's POV

I wake up to find myself on the floor. My whole body aches, giving me physical reminders of what happened last night.

I drag myself off of the floor and into my room, I pick up an outfit from the floor and get changed into it. I am now wearing a navy oversized jumper and black skinny jeans that are ripped and torn due to how old they are.
"WAKE UP BITCH" I hear my father yell to me from from downstairs.
Great, lets get this day started.


As soon as I arrive at school all eyes were on me. What is going on?

Suddenly a Barbie comes up to me... Oh no wait its a person caked in make up, bleach blonde hair and fake boobs. "Listen here bitch-"

"I'm sorry what?" I interrupted her, and by the look on this girls face that was a mistake. Whoopsie?

"Don't interrupt me!" She gasps. Suddenly images of my dad saying things like that to me flashed in my mind.


"What do you think you are doing?!?!"

"I-I'm s-" I try to apologise but only being 8 years old I don't understand that he wont accept that.

"DID I SAY YOU COULD TALK?! NO I DIDN'T THINK SO!!!" Suddenly a fist comes flying to my face and I fall to the floor. My dad starts to kick me in the stomach and I hear multiple crunches. My hair is then yanked up and I am face to face with the devil himself. "You listen here... You do not speak to me, you are worthless, you are no daughter of mine, just an annoyance." And with one more punch I welcome the blackness that I have been fighting off...


"Hello?!?! Can you hear me stupid bitch" Barbie says to me teasingly.


"Heh, can't even talk properly, although I'm not surprised you're so dumb" Suddenly laughs erupted around us, but they soon stop as a group of people push their way through the crowd.

"Stephanie, fuck off will you" Says Xavier says casually as he walks through the crowd.

"Oh, Xavier baby, she called me a bitch. Are you going to do something about that? I would but I have just had my nails done" Said Barbie, running her hands up and down Xavier's rising chest.

"No. As I told you before, fuck off." Xavier says sternly, then roughly pushes Stephanie's hands away.

"But baby!" Whines Stephanie, stretching out the 'baby'. She really does sound like nails scraping down a chalk board, high-pitched and fucking annoying.

"Go find some other poor boy Stephanie, Xavier clearly doesn't want you anymore." Says another boy emerging from the. I think his name was...Arch...Archer? No...Arches? Rachel no that is nothing like it....Archie!! That's it!

"Oh Archie, heyy honey, last night was fun wasn't it?"

"Stephanie shut up. For fucks sake you look like an orange, and you might as well not wear anything, I can see your bra, its fucking gross" Finally, Archie speaks some sense.

"Uh I'll have you know that there is nothing wrong with my clothes and you're just jealous of my natural tan." At the word natural Xavier bursts out laughing.

"Natural "Xavier says with a smirk to Archie, who smiles out of amusement back.

"Ugh fine." Said Stephanie. "But I'm not done with you bitch, leave my man alone I'm serious" Barbie whispered in my ear before storming off.

I make quick eye contact with Xavier before quickly running off.

Yeah, I wasn't doing school today.


After the drama at school I escape. So where else do I go other than the gym?

I began punching the punching bag before I let my emotions take control and the bag was flying everywhere. When I stopped I saw that it was 4pm, wow I have been in here a long time. I have a a fight tonight so I quickly showered and put on my fighting gear which consisted off black tight shorts, a grey sports bra and my black hoodie. Back in England, people feared this outfit, I'm sure a few of the fighters here will know me too. Tonight will probably be easy, sure I haven't fought in a while, but I always say it's like riding a bike - you never forget how to, there may be a few good fighters I'm going to be up against, but I am undefeated, no one can beat me. Well... Except for a certain daddy dearest. I wish I had the mental strength to stand up for myself.

As soon as I'm dressed I start to head out. I put my hair in a messy bun, put my hood up and start the 20 min walk to the abandoned building where this fight is going to be held.

As soon as I enter I get a few looks my way, but they soon look away. Some people laugh, obviously not knowing who I am. I find out the person I am fighting and set my bag down backstage

"I'm not sure if this is where you should be pretty lady" Says a croaky voice from behind me, and as soon as I hear it the whiff of alcohol gets extremely strong. I ignore his comment feeling sorry for him as he doesn't know who I am.

"I'm talking to you bitch!" Okay I don't have time for this. I quickly spin around punch him once in the face then knee him where the sun doesn't shine.

"Names Silent Shadow, pleasure meeting you" I whisper in this mans ear and make my way out to stage just as my name was being called up, lets go.


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