Chapter 16

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Rachel's POV

Shit. Shit. Shit. Shit. Shit.

This is the worst thing that could possibly happen. As soon as the announcer lets go of my arm I rush out of the ring. I speed walk to the changing room door, not caring about the people cheering my name. As quickly as I can I grab my stuff and bolt for the door, but I have to face the main hall to leave, and I'm just praying that I don't have to face Xavier. 

I open the door a tiny amount, just enough to see who is outside. The coast looks clear so I step my whole body out. But then I feel myself getting pushed back in. Oh for fucks sake...


"Xavier" I mutter, as I bring my eyes up to meet his bold blue ones.

"What on earth are you doing here, where-how did you learn to fight like that?" Confusion fills his face. I have no idea what to reply to any of his questions, it's not exactly like my life is the easiest.

"Erm.." I mutter, trying to figure out what to say. I look down to my hands, that are anxiously fiddling my bag. Why couldn't he just leave me alone! His hand cups my chin, bringing my gaze up to his again, the look of confusion filling his eyes, I can only imagine the number of questions that are racing through his mind. But the looks of pity and sympathy also glances through, I don't understand why, he barely knows me so why does he care? 

"Okay, I'm not going to force you to say anything." His voice is so calming, and I almost forget about my heart thumping in my chest. "But I have an offer for you, we can talk about it another day when you feel ready. God Angel I have so many questions." He says as he rubs his hand over the stubble on his face, obviously out of frustration and confusion.

An offer? I stand there dumbfounded at what he just said to me. But my find casts back to what I saw in the alley, and I realise that I can't get involved in anything now. I am so close to getting away, starting my new life, I can't fuck it up now. I must keep my head down.

"Look Xavier," I say as I take a step backwards, finally creating some space between us, "Whatever your offer is, I can't accept it. You shouldn't have seen me tonight. This never happened, ok? You don't understand, no one can know" I frantically reply. I am hoping Xavier can understand, but I'm sure the crazed, panic look in my eyes can convey how important this is.

"Angel what is happening? I can help, I promise." Xavier takes a step towards me, closing the gap that I had created and taking my hand. I wish I could trust him, I really do, but I just have to get through these last few months, it's not long now.

"No, Xavier. It's best if you leave me alone." Xavier opens his mouth to reply back, but he is interrupted as other fighters pile into the changing room shouting and cheering, obviously all mates celebrating their wins. They cause Xavier and I to break out eye contact, and I take the opportunity to slip away, glancing back at Xavier over my shoulder, trying to convey how sorry I am. 

I scan the hall quickly, searching for Mr Scott so I can grab my money as quickly as possible. Eventually, I find him resting against the back wall watching the last few fighters. "Eyyy, there she is! My little gold mine! Everyone's loving Silent Shadow. How many fights are you wanting to do a week? I have people queuing round the black to fight you missy!" His words take me off guard. I'd never intended to become popular here. I mean back at home I'd never struggled to find people to fight me, everyone wanted to ruin my reputation, but I thought here would be different. 

"Erm, how many can you get me a week? What kind of money are we talking?"

"Oh Rachel, name a price and you can get it. If you can do 3-5 fights a week, you could easily be pulling $20,000. If you want a challenge and really get your name out there, I can line up the big names, if you become the top fighter you could be earning that for just one fight." 20 thousand. 20 thousand dollars. I need the money badly, but 20 thousand for one fight?! I could live a completely different life in New York. I could get a nicer apartment, buy designer clothes, go out to eat. I could have my dream life..

"Get me to the top Mr Scott. I'll do whatever it takes. You tell me what to do and I'll do it"

"That's what I like to hear Rach! Well here is your $3,500 from tonight. Hopefully, from here on I'll be handing you much bigger sums of money!" He replies with a beaming grin. Mr Scott his obviously over the moon with my decision, it could out his name and his gym on the map. After grabbing my money I leave the hall, luckily without bumping into Xavier again. But I know I can't run from him forever, I need to figure out a story to tell him.

Walking back, I count the money from tonight as I normally do, just to ensure no one has been greedy and taken some of my cut. However, the feeling of something cold and sharp immediately takes me focus away from the money in my hand, but instead I focus on my neck. "Hand it to me. Now." I hear a deep, croaky voice say from behind me. The smell of cigarettes, weed and alcohol from this man is overwhelming. I think this man is on every drug under the sun. That makes me nervous. Drugs is the one thing that you can't predict, and it's the only area that street fighting is strict about. You cannot under and circumstances fight if there are drugs in your system, they do random checks all the time, and it's why I feel safe there.

"Did I stutter bitch? I said hand it to me." He digs the knife deeper into my neck, and I know if he goes any further he's going to draw blood. I know I only have $500 in my hand at the moment, which will suck to hand over, but I'd rather that than my life, especially now that I have some hope in a New York shape. 

"Here." I manage to say, as I pass the $500 behind me.

"Where did you get this from?" What the fuck? Why is he asking this? What is it with people asking me questions that I don't know how to answer.

"The bank?" I try to say convincingly, but it come out more as a questions, I'm just hoping he's too off his face to really notice.

"No smartass answers. Tell me how to get this kind of money" Oh god and he's dumb.

"Get a job, work hard, get your life together. That's how" I'm so done with people's bullshit tonight. I'm exhausted and I just want to sleep. I feel him bring the knife even closer and start to feel it cut into my skin. I know I can't wait any longer, so in one move I bring my hand up to grab his hand that has the knife in and push it away from me, at the same time I ram my elbow into his side. It gives me a split second to break free.

"You bitch!" He screams out, lunging towards me. What is it with people lunging at me today, like leave me alone, damn. He's slow because of how high and drunk he is, so I manage to just keep my leg out and trip him up. His fall means that his knife falls out of his grip, and I take the opportunity to kick it away from him. I initially go to grab his hair to pull him up, but then realise that the last thing I want to do is touch that greasy mess, so I grab his shirt. I pull him up and through him against the wall.

"This is your warning, you will leave me the fuck alone. Oh, and I'll be taking this back, thank you very much" I say calmly, picking my roll of money out of his pocket. Hopefully he'll listen to that warning, because otherwise he might not live to see tomorrow morning. Like I said before, no where is quite as bad as back at home.

Eventually I get back home, I've realised that I can climb up to my bedroom window when I come back late at night, so I can avoid the risk of running into Will or Linda. I crawl into bed and pull my blanket over me. It seems that the second I shut my eyes I'm immediately consumed by sleep, and I welcome it gladly.

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