Say My Name

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Captain Man:I'll be sure of you when they walk though that door they will say "we got em"

Miles:Captain Man we got em

Miles and Chapa walk though the door with pans of wings

Captain Man:Ahh who did you get

Miles:And that is some WINGS

Captain Man:What you were supposed to be rounding up Criminal

Chapa:We were none at the wing store

Miles and Chapa high five their wings

Chapa:Oh hey are we LIVE?

Miles:What up newier

Chapa started dancing

Trent:It seems like you don't have your team under control

Captain Man:No they are under control

Mary:She dancing

Captain Man:well she shouldn't

Mika:I lost them at the wing store but I- are you doing an interview

Captain Man:Yes LIVE


Mika tried to hide and Miles started dancing with Chapa

Mary:Now they are both dancing

Captain Man:Yeah this is their victory

Chapa:Which we do on our enemies grave

Captain Man:Get them out of here

Mika:I'm trying

Mika then knocked over the map of swellview and made Miles fall


Miles:you know what Trent let me tell you about Danger force we don't go by you rules old man

Trent:I don't know why you bring my age into this but

Miles ate a wing but it was too hot

Miles:Ahh too hot it burning my mouth

Then Bose and Y/N came though the door carrying something or someone

Bose:I got the toddler

Y/N:Bose that not the Toddler

Bose:Yes it is.I'm sure of it

Captain Man:you got the Toddler

Captain man remove the hat over the Toddler

Captain man:That's not the Toddler.That just a Toddler!

Y/N:That's what I have been trying to tell him!

Miles:I need Milk.

Chapa:Here milk!

Chapa picked up a milk carton and give it to Miles

Captain Man:wait that spicy milk

Miles already drink the milk and start to run around Chapa grab Y/N wrist and pull her away from the running miles


Chapa:No problem.You know I won't let get ran over

Y/N,Bose and Chapa started to dance

Captain Man:It completely control
Everyone was practicing fight while Ray was eatting wings

Ray:Keep it coming.Put your back into it

Danger Force Chapa X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now