The Thousand Prank War Part 1

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Chapa,Bose and Y/N was sitting on the couch.Bose was painting a fake apple.

Chapa:It's fine,It's fine,stop,you can stop!JUST STOP,IT'S FINE!

Bose:I'm sorry,I thought we were taking this prank seriously.

Y/N:We are,but it already look like a real apple.

They then heard a noise.


They hid the apple with the rest of the fruit.

Bose:Oh,hey Mika!You should totally try this apple,just try the apple,everyone doing it,just try the apple.

Miles:What's going on?

Bose:We're waiting for Mika.

Miles:My sister?

Y/N:The same.

Miles:Why are you guys waiting for Mika?

Miles was about to eat the apple

Chapa:No,no,no!That's not a real apple.It's a water balloon filled with spicy milk,and it's been painted to look like a real apple.

Bose:Once Mika take a bit,SpIcY MILK


Miles:Why you guys trying to prank Mika?

Chapa:Because she keep reminding Ray to give us homework at the end of the day.

Miles:Yeah,that's messed up,but I gotta be real with you.You're never going to prank Mika.She's un-prankable.


Bose:Like,your sister,Mika?

Miles:The same,she's a prank genius!She comes up with great pranks,and sees others pranks coming,it's like her,superpower,expect for,you now,her superpower

Mika then came up the tube

Mika:Hey,guys!How groovay was that homework Ray gave us last night,huh?

Chapa zaps the apple,making it melt.

Mika:Mhm,yup,nothing is like a long night of divi......sion.Someone trying to prank me.



Mika:I said someone trying to prank me,and I know it not Miles,because he's learned his lesson

Bose:Why would we try to prank you?

Chapa and Y/N:Yeah,sis,you are girl power,for life,chica!

Mika:Ok,then why don't you take a bite of that nice shiny apple?

Chapa and Y/N:That apple there?

Mika:The same.

Chapa and Y/N:Not hungry.

Mika:Aww,I'm sure you won't take a bite out this shiny apple.

Danger Force Chapa X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now