The Thousand Prank War Part 2

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Ray was shaking Bose.Him thinking Bose is dead because Mika prank him.

Y/N:He not dead!

Ray:You hear that you're not dead!

Y/N:You shook him asleep just let him finish his nap.

Ray:I will never forgive Mika for what she did to him.

Chapa:Maybe thee shouldn't of case her out

Ray:She took it too far!So I'm take it too farther-er,Schwoz!

Bose woke up

Bose:Oh man...I think you shook me to sleep.

Ray:Sorry...but all of Rivalton is going to pay for what Mika did to you.

Schwoz:Ray you know I don't like being bothered when I'm eating peanut from a can.


Bose ran over behind Y/N and hid behind  her.

Chapa:Can we get to the going farther-er already.

Ray:Yes go big sudsy

Schwoz:But he is in tour with Drake,you want me to buy us tickets?


Chapa:Ohhh,I wanna see Drake!

Y/N:Me too!I think Bose does too.


Ray:No,no!Big sudsy is like a nuclear war head but filled with soap.Schwoz built it out of his left over parts,from a nuclear boon we found.

Chapa:Why would take something so awesome

Y/N:And fill it with soap.

Ray:To clean up this town,but I think big sudsy just found a new target.

Chapa and Y/N:Oh,I get it!

Chapa:Rivalton only source of income is grease


Chapa:We drop the soap nuke on Rivalton

Y/N:The soap from the blast destroy all their grease...No more grease.

Chapa and Y/N:No more Rivalton

Chapa:And we go celebrate at the Drake show

Y/N:Get box seat!

Y/N shake off Bose and Chapa grabbed Y/N hand

Ray:Hey you are not in charge!

Chapa and Y/N:Ok blondie

Schwoz:Getting us box seats.

They both gave Schwoz a thumbs up
Next day in the Man Nest

Chapa,Y/N and Ray was in uniform.Schwoz was painting a bubble with a sailor hat on Big Sudsy,while him and Ray was arguing.The girls was filling the soap bomb with laundry detergent.

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