Down Goes Santa Part 1

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The emergency alarm was going off in the men nest with Chapa waiting in a Christmas sweater

Mika,Miles and Y/N then came up the tube

Mika:What's going on?!

Miles:What's the emergency?!

Bose came though the door with a nacho ball shirt on

Bose:Sorry I'm late!I had to leave in the middle of my shift.

Y/N:Did you get a job at Nacho Ball?

Bose:I got a career at Nacho Ball.

Mika:And when did this career start?

Bose:I went to get some lunch yesterday and I guess they thought I "had the look."

Y/N:No wonder you were late at home.

Miles:Dude.You got discovered.

Bose:They handed me this thing and said,"You're working drive-through kid, buena suerte."That'll be twelve thirty-nine,please pull upto the first window.

Miles:So what exactly is the emergency?

Chapa:Uh, it's two days before Christmas and we still haven't sat aroundin Christmas sweaters,read a Christmas book while drinking hot chocolate by a Christmas fire.I'd say that'san emergency, Miles.


Chapa:No, I don't love Christmas.

Everyone was in sweaters,Chapa was in a chair with a book in her hand with Y/N sitting on the armrest and the rest sitting I front of them

Chapa:I'm obsessed with Christmas.

Mika:Dang girl, you took a longtime to answer that question.

Bose:Would you like to nacho-size those balls?

Chaos then fried Bose communication mic with her powers

Bose:Well there goes that story.

Chapa:On Christmas Eve, Santa Claus delivers presents to all the good girls and boys throughout the world.He has a magic sleigh
and a magic bag of presents that never goes empty.And his reindeer--

Ray:What's the emergency?!Sorry, I'm late.I got stuck in the drive-through lineat Nacho Ball.I guess some jerk just leftin the middle of his shift...

Bose,scared grab his mic and hide it behind's him

Chapa:Grab a sweater,I'm reading a Christmas story.

Ray:Oh. You guys wanna heara Christmas story?

Mika:Ray...- Sit. Just sit.

Y/N:It doesn't matter what you say.Sit.

Ray:When I was kid...

Miles:Here he goes...

Ray:I heard all the "traditional""Christmas" "stories."But there's a lot more to Christmas
than what they "teach" you in "schools."

Miles:Do you know how air quotes work?

Ray:"Yes."Move it.

Ray begins to push Chapa out the chair


Ray:Get out of my seat.

Y/N and Chapa:No.

Ray:Off!Get out of my seat.

Y/N fell on the floor then Chapa then landed in Y/N lap with her arms crossed

Ray:Oh, okay.There ya go, there it is.There ya go.You guys wanna hear...The Real Story of Christmas?

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