Lil Dynomite

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Captain Man:C'mon, guys! Lock it!

Volt:Almost there!

ShoutOut:We're trying!

They were finally able to lock up Chest Monster

Chest Monster:You'll never catch me!

Lightbeam:We literally just caught you!

Brainstorm:Yeah... shut up,Chest Monster!

He then kicked the chest monster

Chest Monster:Awwww, c'mon dawg.

Captain Man:Great work everybody. AWOL,drop that thing off in Barstow.

Chest Monster:Barstow?!

Awol:Man,I don't want to go to Barstow right now.

Chest Monster:Whew, thank goodness.

Awol:I'll go tomorrow.

Chest Monster:Noooo!

Captain Man:Alright, just put it
in ShoutOut's locker.

ShoutOut:No no no, not my locker,
please not my locker!

Captain Man:Why not?

ShoutOut:Because it's the only
personal space I have!Miles is always in my bedroom,my dad times my showers because "You're wasting water!" and I just finished getting everything in here just the way I want it and I don't know, maybe you could put it in someone else's locker...

She pointed toward Awol locker


Chest Monster:You could just let me go...

Awol:You ate all the swans
in Lake Swellview,we're not gonna let you go!

Chest Monster:Alright,why's it okay to eat chickens but not swans?!

Brainstorm:I said shut up, Chest Monster!

Brainstorm kicks the cart.Lightbeam was actually impressed.

Brainstorm:He has a point about
eating chickens,though.

Volt:Hey,we got a big night tonight.Is it cool if we roll outta here a little early to get ready and let you debate the ethics of eating swans with Chest Monster?

Chest Monster:Swans are jerks! They deserve to be eaten!

ShoutOut:Yeah I wanna get ready
for tonight, too.


Lightbeam:Look a little messed up.

Captain Man:Yeah, you guys can cheese off early. You've earned it!



Brainstorm:Wait wait wait wait...
According to the Man-genda,you have to check your voicemails before we leave.

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