The Kid is Back

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Ray:Buddy I'm so glad your back

Ray ha mmve Henry in a hug

Henry:Yea me too.Now please stop I can't breath,and I think I hear a rip crack

Mika:Alright Ray personal space

Mika,Chapa and Y/N got up from the couch trying to get Ray off of Henry

Chapa:Don't make me get the crowbar!

Y/N giggle a little.

Henry:Alright I got this.You might wanna step back

They all move out of the way.Henry used Force field on Ray and blasted him back.He landed on his back.All the kids laughed

Ray:Oh sorry I just got a little emotional there you have been gone so long and I have been so alone

The team fake coughed

Ray:Quiet!So hey what you doing back in Swellview

Henry:Oh..well my dad is graduating

Ray:No way your dad is so stupid.

Henry:I know right he is so dumb

Ray:Aww the lil ol' bird flew back to the nest.Come give papa bird a hug.

Henry:So how is my old job?Y'all gone on any missions

Chapa:A ton

Henry:Cool.Any dangers

Mika:We once caught a guy that was stealing books from the library

Henry:Cool but I was wondering about sick fights

Miles:We once fought all the bad guys in Swellview at the same time!

Henry:What happen

Miles:Mika let them out prison

Henry:Well I spent my whole childhood locking them up,so I can't wait to hear how you caught them

Y/N:Here something crazy

Chapa:We didn't

Bose:Sick twist.They still out there

Chapa:I gotta imagine there some of them committing crime right now

Ray:Alright cool you all had y'all Henry time,he mine now.So how Dystopia?Do you need me to come help?Cause I will burn this whole place to ground

The team start fake coughing again


Red lights started blaring

Mika:An emergency call!

Y/N and Chapa:What is it?

Henry looked at Y/N and Chapa weird as they talked at the same time

Mika:It look like there a brawl at the Nail Salon

Ray:Oh!We can fight crime and get out nails done,just like old times

Henry:No Everyone thinks Kid danger is..



Henry:Exactly.So I've been dropping so many fools in Dystopia,I was thinking I could just,you know,kick it here for a while

Ray:Yeah,yeah,yeah!Go,go,go,go,go,yeah,just kick it here I was thinking the same thing.So why don't you guy handle this one yourselves

Bose:Can I pee first

Ray:Why don't you pee on the way.

They went down the tube,chewed their gums,transformed and went to the nail salon

Danger Force Chapa X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now