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Ray,Chapa,Y/N,Bose,Schwoz and Miles were in the Man's Nest,standing around a barrel that had fire in it,roasting meat

Ray:Eh,meat just tastes better when it's cooked over an open fire fueled by crude oil.

Chapa:Smells a lot worse.

Ray:Of course it does.What you're smelling is the bad flavor leaving the meat.

Bose:You're so wise,Ray.

Ray:Another fun fact: oil is dinosaur blood...

Y/N:That's wrong,Ray.

Ray:No it's not.And coal? Why, that's just dinosaur poop.

Everyone looked up and saw Mika running out the metal door looking a mess


Miles:Is this your meat?


Ray:You know the rule: You leave it I eat it.


Chapa:Losers starvers.

Mika:I gotta get more meat where am I gonna get more meat all the meat stores.Where's the nearest meat store does anyone know?

Miles:Oh. No.

Chapa:What do you mean, "Oh, no?"

Miles:She did something wrong.

Schwoz:Who, Mika?

Miles:Something bad.

Ray:Are those my pants?

Mika:Can't talk,gotta rob a meat store, byyyeeeeee...

Ray:Oh, whoa whoa whoa! Why are you wearing my clothes?!

Y/N:Why are there bags on your feet?!

Schwoz:Yah, why are you acting so crazies?

Mika:I did a bad thing.

Miles:I told you!

Chapa:It's Mika, how bad could it be?

Miles:You don't understand.My sister almost never makes a mistake.But when she does...It's bad.

A thunder struck

Mika:I did a bad thing...Okay... you know how I've never, ever won Man's Nest Employee of the Month? Like not once? EVER?!

Ray:We don't have a Man's Nest
Employee of the Month.

Mika:I know! But if I were a good enough employee,you'd make the award. And I'd win it.Every month.Just like I do at my dentist's office.

Chapa:You go to your dentist's office once a month?

Mika:I've won Flosser of the Month thirty-three times in a rowand I don't want to break the streak!

Bose:Thirty-three months?That's like a hundred years.

Y/N shook her head and put her hand on his shoulder

Y/N:Lil bro.

Mika:So remember a couple weeks ago when Ray got that summons to go to jury duty?


Chapa was sitting in her study chair,Bose and Miles were pushing the couch back to its normal spot and Y/N was sitting on the couch

Ray:Alright, great month everybody!Another thirty days in the books.

Everyone clapped and cheered

Ray:Hey I want you to know you're all equally great employees.

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