Fun Facts

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Some facts about you and Chapa
You haven't told Ray,Mika or Miles about you guys dating.Mika figured it out on her own and when Miles found out,he was a bit disappointed but mostly happy about you guys because he may or may not have a little crush on you.Bose did plan out the confession,once you guys got home,you chased him around the house,shooting your laser eyes at him.

Most of the time,around the team you guys be cuddling up to each other or holding hands.

Chapa never want to be angry around you,she just want to be happy.

Chapa is pretty jealous about Miles and your
relationship.Honestly you just see Miles like a brother.

You two haven't had your first kiss yet.You two like to tease each other with kisses on cheeks.There was one time that guys was about to have that moment but then you guys had a mission.

Chapa is totally a sweet baby when alone.
Whenever you guys be hanging out,you be watching some older cartoon,like in the older 2000s or a little bit into the 1990s

Chapa Nicknames For You:
(When Volt)Beam
Your Nicknames

Y/N Nicknames For Chapa:
(When Lightbeam)Sparky
Chops or Chaps

You have games downloaded for Chapa to play on your phone.

Chapa got a secret stash of chocolate chip cookies and she'll share with you when you be alone.

Chapa likes to take you on small dates whenever she want to.

Chapa loves stuffed animals so you let her keep your stuffed animals that are her favorite.

You both don't really mind but Bose do be joining into your movie nights and watch the movie.

When you got your new power,Chapa was really impressed and she taught how you could control it.

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