Hanging out with Chapa and some flashbacks

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Chapa and Y/N went to hip hop puree
And order hamburger and chocolate cake smoothie

Chapa:Ok.What was the most stupidest thing Bose did?

Y/N:oh there are so many but I think I must say when we got our powers

Chapa:oh how is that the stupidest thing  Bose did

Y/N:Our parents weren't home yet so Bose wanted to try out his powers that he actully hurt himself

Flashback(AN:when it is normal it flashback but when it is bold it is present)
Bose:Alright let's see here.Before I start, maybe I should get some cookies.

Bose went to the kitchen and open the caboard and there was a cookie jar it was pretty high up so he tried to use his powers but when he did it fell on his head that he feel on the floor

Y/N:so when I heard a glass shatter I  seen Bose on the floor

Y/N:oh my gosh,Bose really.

Bose:ow oh hey Y/N

Y/N:What did you do this time?Are you ok?

Bose:Yeah I'm ok.I just tried to get some cookies with my powers

Y/N:We may have powers but we don't know how to control them yet so don't think to use them until you know how to control them.

Bose:I understand

Y/N:and also we can't use our power around our parents?

Bose:huh why

Y/N:If we use powers around our parents then imagine what they do with us and finally if you want cookies just ask


Y/N reach for cookies and gave one for herself and Bose
Chapa:Wow just wow

Y/N:yeah even if he an idiot he still my brother

Chapa:so basically you have to deal with him everyday

He giggles

Y/N:Yeah pretty much

Then Y/N phone started ring it was Bose

Note Bose:Bold,Y/N:normal
Mom want you to come

                                            Alright OMW

Also How you date with Chapa?😏😏😏😏                                       

                                                   It not a date it thought I already told you that


Y/N:I have to go see you tomorrow

Chapa:alright see you

Y/N went out of hip hop perre when Y/N was gone Chapa was just there leaning on the wall smiling pretty hard,blushing

At Bose and Y/N house

Bose:so how was it

Y/N:it was good

Bose:Did you guys have your first kiss?

Y/N:No Bose!

Y/N blushes red as she ran to her room

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