New Powers

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Chapa and Y/N walking down the street holding hands,both holding an ice cream cone.Y/N talked Chapa into getting ice cream.They were on their way back to the Man Nest.

Y/N:Ice Cream is so Good.

Chapa:It must be,because it's all over your mouth,Y/N.

Y/N playfully glared at her as she take a napkin and wipe her mouth

Chapa:I'm glad you talked me into getting you ice cream.

Y/N:How come?

Chapa:You're my favorite person in the world.

Y/N smiles as she kept talking with Chapa that she didn't notice that her hand was starting to heat up and her ice cream was melting and boiling until she felt something running down her arm.She looked at her arm with melted ice cream all over it.

Y/N:Aw man.

Chapa laughed a little as she threw her ice cream away.Chapa gum container buzzing in their pockets.

Chapa:It was fun while it lasted.

Chapa took out her gum to see Chicken Man on the run.They went to somewhere private and transformed into the super suits meeting the rest of Danger Force

After the mission,In the Man Neat they have captured the Chicken Man, Captain Man is trying to get him to admit where the hostages were.

Captain Man:Talk! Talk you abomination!Tell us where the hostages are!

Chicken Man:Bak-gah! No!

Brainstorm:You want me to give him the sauce, boss?

Captain Man:Not yet.I got a hot tub full of oil out back.And it's fryin' time.

Volt lift her hand,sparking

Chicken Man:Bak-gah! Okay! Okay! I'll squawk!I'll tell you where the hostages are cooped up!

Awol:Okay okay I'm really sorry, I'm sorry,but it's happening again.

Lightbeam:What's happening again?

Awol:I'm having that feeling.Where I feel like I've seen this all before.

Volt:You've seen us interrogating a human-chicken hybrid using morally questionable and possibly illegal techniques?

ShoutOut:Yeah to be honest I wasn't feeling great about us doing that.

Volt:Felt good to me.

Chicken Man:So anyway the hostages--

Awol:I'm telling you,I've seen this all before.

ShoutOut:Okaaay... if you've seen this before,then you should be able to tell us where the hostages are.

Chicken Man:Well, I can tell you where the hostages--

Lightbeam:Okay.Where are they?

Awol:That's the thing!We never find out where the hostages are. I mean we stop caring, like, two minutes from now.

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