Villian Night

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Miles:You seem happy

Y/N:Yeah finally got a good rest

She looks at Chapa with a cowboy hat over her eyes

Y/N:Is she asleep


Y/N:oh hey

Y/N gave her hug over her shoulder


Bose:Y/N can you help me with these
Hot chocolate and donuts

Y/N:sure just let me get my gum

Y/N tranform as she went to help Bose

Mika:you like her don't you

Chapa:yes as a friend you were asking

Mika:no you always smile at her when you around her you act like your not you

Chapa:..fine!I like her

Mika:I thought so but be glad I won't tell anyone.I promise

Bose:We back

Bose and Y/N came back with some donuts and hot chocolate in there hands

Chapa tried her hot chocolate but it was cold then she turned to Y/N and see that hers is warm

Chapa:how did you get hot chocolate to be hot

Y/N:my laser eyes come in handy see

Y/N use her power to heat up Chapa got chocolate

Y/N:now try it

Chapa try her hot chocolate and it was warm

Chapa:wow thanks

Y/N:no problem

Chapa finsh her food and put the cowboy hat over her eyes

Ray came in,wearing his superhero outfit

Ray:alright everyone cut the catter

Everyone started to look at him confused

Mika:no-one was talking

Ray:I just thought of saying cut the catter

Miles:we didn't know that we gonna meet you need

Ray:well you are

Miles:then we can do that


Ray walked back in the closet getting ready as everyone started to talk at once then Ray came in again

Ray:Alright,Everyone cut the chatter

Everyone was still talk

Ray:I said Cut the Chatter

Everyone stop talking

Ray:so I got a big bowl of crime chowder.Now let eat.

Everyone started barking expect Mika

Mika:I uploaded some the files on the board

Ray:oh so what should I do with pile of paper

Mika:recycle them

Ray:heh no

Bose:Just throw the away



Ray put them in the trash

Chapa and Y/N:Burn them


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