Test Friends

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Captain Man:You are gonna fold! You hear me?! I'm going to put you away for a long time!

ShoutOut:Brainstorm!I need you to deal with those boxers!

Brainstorm:I can't feel my arms!

Captain Man:Don't you quit on me!

Schwoz:Almost there...

Awol:There's too many tank!

Lightbeam:We're running out of steam!

The laundry countdown was almost up

Schwoz:Almost there...

Captain Man:Clear!


Lightbeam and Volt:Clear!

Brainstorm:Help!Orphan sock!

Brainstorm held up a sock as  Captain Man,Volt,Lightbeam,and ShoutOut gasp

Awol:I got you!

Awol had the match of the sock that Brainstorm was holding.They threw their socks as everyone watched them collide together and the time was up.

ShoutOut:Did we do it?

Schwoz:We did it.

Captain Man:We did all the laundry.

Volt:Every item of clothing we own... is clean.

Awol:We have achieved... Laundry Zero.

Everyone cheers as confetti pour down on them.

ShoutOut:Great job, everyone.

Captain Man:We are so in-tune right now.

Volt:Harmony check!

Volt pulled out a harmonica
and plays a pitch pipe.

All:♪ In tuuuuuuuuuuuune ♪

Captain Man:It don't get much better than this.

Captain Man's phone rings

Captain Man:It's my agent.Talk to me.
The cover?!

Captain Man laughs

Captain Man:Hey hey, let's do lunch next week.Yeah, yeah on you!Naw, I'm not paying for it.Alright, okay bye.I'm gonna be on the cover of SI.

Awol:Supes Illustrated?!

ShoutOut:The superhero magazine?!

Captain Man:The same.

Lightbeam:Can we be on it with you?!

Captain Man:Ehhhhhh...

ShoutOut:Please please please we've been practicing our posing for weeks!

Awol:Danger Force:Pooooooose!

They did super cool poses

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