Mika in the Middle

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The team was arguing about....what happen


Chapa and Y/N:Hi

Ray:I don't suppose,any of you know how much MAN TRUCK,ended up in the bottom of Jandy River


Ray:Where were you guys all day


Chapa and Y/N:Mind your business

Bose:I honestly don't know

Ray:Alright let start with you.You to Church


Ray:Which one


Ray:mm a little church hopping

Miles:A lot church hopping

Ray:You sing


Ray:What you sing

Miles:Amazing grace,How great thy are

Ray:Ok.How about you two

Chapa and Y/N:Mind your business

Ray:Ok.And How about you dimples do you know about anything about my truck being at the bottom of the river

Bose:I honestly don't know anything about anything

Ray:That checks out.Ok I believe you all you can now simply leave the room.On thing thought--uh Mika.I don't suppose you know about anything about my truck being at the bottom of the river.I love that truck more than I love Schwoz


The team glared at her.Chapa and Y/N mouthed 'Don't'


The team groaned

Miles:Aww come on!


Mika:So you know about fast food alway taste better in a car?


Mika:So we order nacho ball from the close one not the nice one and we brought it back,but it didn't taste right so we decided to teleport inside the man truck but it still didn't taste right, so we blasted some music and that seemed to do it

Ray:Good call

Mika:The food was SOOOOO GOOOODD,and then the song porind Mary came on and the song talks about rolling on a river,and then we looked up who Tina turner is,and we found out she is still alive and lobbing in France,and then Miles went yes and then we teleport into the river!

Ray:Well I'm very disappointed

The team expect Mika groaned

Ray:In Mika


Mika:What?!I told you the truth

Ray:You did,that good but you also snitch,that bad

Mika:That don't make sense

Ray:Lying is a very important part of being part of being a superhero.That why glad the moms in this town think Ray Manchester is a fighter pilot

Mika:That just sound like lying to impress women

Ray:exactly.I need to be able to trust to you can lie

Chapa and Y/N:Give her a letter!



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