Captain Man Strikes Out

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Alarm was blaring as Danger Force tried to catch the Pittsburg Steeler.The Pittsburg Steeler ran with Volt throwing electricity at him.Lightbeam did a cartwheel and looked around before running the way the villain went.

Brainstorm and Awol were avoiding stepping on the red lasers,even though the alarms were already going off.

Captain Man:Be with you all in a minute.My hands are super dry hands today...


She super-screams the Steeler and he fell but he got back up

ShoutOut:Oh...come on!

She start back chasing him

Captain Man:I don't know if it's the weather or my new turpentine soap I've been using but my paws are crackin'...

Lightbeam and the Steeler ran out on another side of the room with Lightbeam throwing fire balls but the Steeler dodged them all.Volt ran out chasing the Steeler with Lightbeam as he was off but then Awol, Brainstorm and ShoutOut teleported in front of him.

A display with a piece of art was about to fall but ShoutOut and Volt quickly grabbed it before it could.Brainstorm levitated on a piece of art sculpture as a Fire extinguisher flew into his hand.He ran over and went to smash it into the Steeler head.



Awol:Yeah time out, time out!

Brainstorm:Why'd you call time out?!
I was about to bash the Pittsburgh Stealer over the head with this fire extinguisher.

Awol:That's not a fire extinguisher, man.That's art.


The Steeler:It's an original piece of modern art by Andy Warthog.It is worth millions.

Brainstorm:I am so sorry.I did not realize it was a Warthog.

Volt:Look at the post-industrial typeface, of course it's a Warthog.

ShoutOut:It's staring you in the face.

Awol:Use your brain, man.

Lightbeam:Do you not see the line confidence?!

Brainstorm:Please don't make me feel any more embarrassed than I feel right now!

Lightbeam:Okay, breathe.

Awol:Okay, look. We obviously want to catch you before can you steal any of this priceless modern art.

The Steeler:And I want to steal this priceless art and bring it back to the City of Three Rivers.I'm speaking, of course, of the world-class metropolis
of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.

Lightbeam:Is Pittsburgh a world-class city, though?

The Steeler:Pittsburg is a world-class city!

Volt:I think it's just a city.


Awol:Listen, man! We need to figure out a way to do this without breaking any of this amazing art.

The Steeler:Well, it looks like we got ourselves.a real Pittsburgh standoff.

Volt rolled her eyes

Volt:Oh my god time in.

She shocked the Steeler and he passed out

Captain Man:Alright, m'Man Hands are properly looo-tioned let's do this...

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